• Resolved bakkelhan


    I noticed this in WP 3.6.1 already but never gave it any attention. Here is the issue:
    My admin area double column layout is too wide. Whenever I add a new blog post or a new page (or edit them) the first column, of my standard two column layout, is too wide. This means that my publish button in the second column is off screen. I need to stretch my browser (either IE9 or Chrome) to my second screen to make the button (and column) visible. My default screen is standard laptop, 1366 x 768 pixels in size.
    It seems that WPPF is the reason; when I deactivate the WPPF plugin the editing posts/pages column is sized properly to show both 1st and 2nd column.
    Any ideas?


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  • Plugin Author Oleg


    Thanks for notifying! A fix is on it’s way

    Thread Starter bakkelhan


    Hi Oleg, are you already willing to share the fix?

    Subscribing, I have the very same problem and its very annoying.

    Its still happening on latest WordPress 3.8
    I delved a little bit into the styles and found a css rule on /wp-content/plugins/wp-posts-filter/css/style.css line 9:

    .metabox-holder {
        width: 85%;

    If this rule is removed, the 2-column admin area goes back to normal. However I’m not sure if the rule is required for something else, just leaving my comment here in case its useful to debug from here.

    Thread Starter bakkelhan


    Yes, removing the class in the stylesheet does the trick! Nice catch kaldimar! Thanks.
    Oleg, are you listening? Where do we need the class for?

    Plugin Author Oleg


    Hi guys,

    please update to 0.3.2, but backup your templates before if you have them

    Plugin Author Oleg


    Yes, it actually does the trick. The class was used in the plugin settings page to align pages boxes properly. What you need to do now is just update the plugin. But don’t forget to backup your templates before doing that.

    Sorry for late answers: such small amount of time now =/

    Thread Starter bakkelhan


    Thanks. I will update the plugin asap. Yes, time is always an issue…
    Thank you for mentioning my name in the update ??

    Plugin Author Oleg


    bakkelhan, thanks to you ??

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