• I’m trying to speed my woocommerse store up.

    So far I’ve done well. When analyzing the server response time for the various elements, it seems that the admin-ajax.php is taking forever for the server to respond.

    After digging, it seems this file is being called 20 times or so per page load. Since all the other elements that are being called in have a fast server response time, it seems the issue is not a hardware one, but rather an issue in the design as to how woocommerce is dealing with this file.

    Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do to speed it up? This is the site.



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  • I also have the problem with admin-ajax.php being called by Woocommerce which has a long wait time. What options are there to speed this up. Thanks

    ? also experience the same problem, this ajax.php extremely slovs dovn my vebpage according to pingdom tools. What does WP thinks about that man?

    I have find some useful point. When wp admin panel is opened at the same time with my website, ajax.php causes the loading time to increase. But when I logout\close wp admin page the website loads very fast. Beacuse we, site owners always open both admin panel and website together to edit their pages ??

    @faud47. Are you saying that if we log in as admin into our site, and then do a Pingdom test, this will affect the Pingdom load-time results for admin-ajax.php ?? Having same issue, but I DO NOT have woocommerce installed. Thanks

    Yes I think so, moreover you can search for minimize WP loading time tips for,example and try the advices.



    I was experiencing the same problem… Too slow when browsing the site and even more slow when using the admin page.

    I do not have use for the auto save option, so disabling it is not a problem at all.

    I just used the above code in both my sites and the problem is resolved!

    https://www.copamundial2014brasil.com.br and https://www.precodehotel.com.br

    Thanks guys. My load time is 2.5s but could be down to 1.2s if it wasn’t for this issue. Some people above report that this function doesn’t work for them. And I just did a test for your sites @eventosesportivosbrasil and according to Pingdom the load times for them are: 10.97s and 15.15s. You’re biggest issue is still the same: admin-ajax.php. If it wasn’t for that, your load time could be down to 3s -4 s or less. So, it looks like the code above did not help!




    Before I use the code above, the loading time of the sites was +-20 and +- 25 seconds. I′m able to reduce the loading time by almost half.

    I known its far from perfection, but it′s much better than without it…

    Both my sites use a lot of images at their homepages, but as you′ve pointed out, the issue is still admin-ajax.php.

    Any hints ant tips will be happily received!

    Best regards

    @eventosesportivosbrasil. You should turn on gzip compression in your .htaccess. And install the Quick Cache plugin (very simple to use, just install and turn it on). If you need more info on these and how to set up, send me your direct email or Skype ID. Glad to help (as time permits). Cheers



    I am also having the problem with admin-ajax.php being called by Woocommerce and the wait time is pretty absurd. I added in the code to disable the heartbeat but it did not help. Are there any other options? This seems like a big problem. Thanks



    Same problem here any solutions?

    On my site the admin-ajax.php takes 600 ms to laod…

    Did anyone find a solution?

    I tried this:

    add_action( ‘init’, ‘my_deregister_heartbeat’, 1 );
    function my_deregister_heartbeat() {
    global $pagenow;

    if ( ‘post.php’ != $pagenow && ‘post-new.php’ != $pagenow )

    Did not work! ??

    Still the same problem … Anybody a solution for me?!



    Hi zumzam123, 600ms isn’t slow at all. Is this number correct?

    I am having this same issue. admin-ajax.php is taking a about 2.5 sec waiting time. and also the code doesn’t work for me.

    Any help please?

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