• Hi,

    I have lots of this entries in RankMath’s 404 monitor and have no idea where it comes from.

    Any help is appreciated!

    Redirect | Delete
    https://www.gkingatlan.hu/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=as_async_request_queue_runner&nonce=7d062fd789 WordPress 6.1.1 | WordPress/6.1.1; https://www.gkingatlan.hu 2023-03-14 16:14:15
    Redirect | Delete
    https://www.gkingatlan.hu/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=as_async_request_queue_runner&nonce=7d062fd789 WordPress 6.1.1 | WordPress/6.1.1; https://www.gkingatlan.hu 2023-03-14 16:13:50
    Redirect | Delete
    https://www.gkingatlan.hu/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=as_async_request_queue_runner&nonce=7d062fd789 WordPress 6.1.1 | WordPress/6.1.1; https://www.gkingatlan.hu 2023-03-14 16:13:40
    Redirect | Delete
    https://www.gkingatlan.hu/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=as_async_request_queue_runner&nonce=7d062fd789 WordPress 6.1.1 | WordPress/6.1.1; https://www.gkingatlan.hu 2023-03-14 16:13:39
    Redirect | Delete
    https://www.gkingatlan.hu/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=as_async_request_queue_runner&nonce=7d062fd789 WordPress 6.1.1 | WordPress/6.1.1; https://www.gkingatlan.hu 2023-03-14 16:13:33

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  • Please check out this similar post:


    Searching these forums for “as_async_request_queue_runner” might find you many more other posts very similar to yours. Your post is practically a duplicate in that sense, and you might learn a lot about what your plugins are doing to your site by sifting through this information. Namely, this post from Rocket is informative: https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/985-how-to-find-which-plugin-calls-admin-ajax-php

    Thread Starter krisgo


    Thank you for your answer!

    “Your post is practically a duplicate”. Yes it is. It should be only 1 post about admin-ajax because every admin-ajax problem is the same. Oh wait, not!? Going further there should be only one post about WP. Why not?

    I did my research. I did here and I’ve searched in Google too. Unfortunately I had no success. That’s why I posted here.

    Again thank you very much for your kind help!

    OK, thanks. It’s always good to indicate what you have done and tried when asking for help, to save the people who are trying to help you that effort. So next: what have you done and tried, with so much advice out there about how to begin troubleshooting this? Can you whittle it down a bit?

    Thread Starter krisgo



    Sorry for my late answer!

    I have tried the article you have sent me at the beginning but there is nothing to see in Chrome dev tools.

    It looks right now that WP Rocket’s prefetch feature is calling that addresses and receives an 404 which might be related to Wordfence. WP Rocket does the prefetch using bots which get blocked by the firewall.

    You can get further insight into them by enabling the advanced monitor at WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > General Settings > 404 Monitor.

    That will give you more information like referrer and user-agent. You can use that information to track down the source or find out if it is just bots generating those errors. Use the advanced version only when you are not able to find the root cause of a 404 error to save space in your DB.

    If you yourself nor your customers are complaining about 404 site errors affecting y’all personally, then it’s very possible that these are errors encountered by bots and other illegitimate users, and you can either ignore, or address possible brute force attacks on that URL.

    Thread Starter krisgo


    Thank you! The advanced monitoring is already enabled I copied the logs from there but here is a screenshot for you: https://prnt.sc/LxuYVfiBL7Oh

    There is no customer It is my very own site and I have set it up. ??

    Please re-read what I wrote. I’d ignore it and turn off the advanced monitoring, personally.

    Thread Starter krisgo


    Sorry I’ve misread your message and thank you for the advice!

    I have excluded that URI from the log.

    You might still check out the Action Scheduler logs in WooCommerce settings (or maybe another plugin of yours is running AS, sorry for being presumptuous) to make sure everything is running okay. More here: https://actionscheduler.org/admin/

    Thread Starter krisgo


    Wow, that looks ugly! Thank you for the tip!

    All (3311) | Canceled (24) | Complete (1768) | Failed (1516) | Pending (3)

    A lot of WP Rocket and Rankmath errors. I will try to fix them and report back. For now I changed the PHP max_execution_time to 1300 ms from 300 ms.

    Thread Starter krisgo


    The good news: The RankMath entries were related to the fact the it was not connected to my Google Analytics account. Fixed, no more errors. Then I have deleted all other entries (WP Rocket) except the pending ones and initiated a full remove unused css and the preloading of the pages. Everything is fine no errors at all. The error were older entries maybe before I have setup a real cron job. Thanks again for the plugin!

    The bad news: The admin-ajax entries in the 404 log are still present.

    Can I just simple ignore these errors and filter out from the 404 log? Strange thing is when I open the link in a browser I get a valid response.

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