Hi @wearebrainerd
The background image in this section is set up to use the cover
sizing property, which basically means “cover the available space, even is that means some of the image gets cut off.”
The priority is on not leaving any empty space, not displaying the full image. Works well for backgrounds but not for this kind of logo based image.
The alternative that I’d recommend for a text based image would be to use contain
instead. That one means the full image is displayed, as large as it can while still fitting inside the provided space.
With that in mind, the first thing I’d recommend is cropping the image you have on the Info page. There’s a lot of empty space above and below the text, making it a square. Try cropping it down so it’s a rectangle, more like your Talk image.
Then, there are a few different things you’ll need to do:
– change cover
to contain
for those pages
– adjust the background color to match the image for each page, so the empty space matches
– adjust the height of the section on mobile, so your image is actually readable
This CSS should do all of those things, in that order:
/* Talk & Info page hero background sizing */
.page-id-158 .hero.with-featured-image,
.page-id-160 .hero.with-featured-image {
background-size: contain;
/* Talk & Info page hero background coloring */
.page-id-158 .hero.with-featured-image {
background-color: #bcd757;
.page-id-160 .hero.with-featured-image {
background-color: #fff;
/* Talk & Info page mobile hero height */
@media screen and ( min-width: 600px ) {
.hero {
padding: 60px 0;
You’ll notice there are some ID numbers in this CSS to target just the desired page(s).
You can grab IDs either by inspecting your page and looking at the classes on the body tag, or by opening a page in the editor and scanning the page URL for the ID.
Let me know how it turns out!