Adjust the width of the 'DISCUSSION'
Good afternoon , it is my first time here in the forum , and I need help to adjust the width of the comment field on my website.
The thing is, the look of my site is built with Visual Composer plugin aid and using the theme Porto. During construction of the site , I came up with the need to use the comments on some specific pages, however realized that the reviews were not appearing on pages , even enabling them . They only appeared in posts ( articles ) . So , I searched the forum and found an answer which solved my problem , just adding the code
<?php comments_template ( ); ?>
In page.php .
Adding the code , made ??it to appear on the pages, but occupying the full width of the screen , without borders , not following the edge of the rest of the content . Finally , to better understand , following a screen print showing the problem.
Thanks and sorry for my bad english.
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