ok, so if you are using H6, then it’s very likely the theme’s style has a definition for that tag that includes margin-bottom or padding-bottom attributes.
If you want to style the trigger text, why not use the trigclass attribute, as that’s what it for.
For example (after setting the default target tag to div
in the plugin settings):
[expand title="Trigger Text" trigclass="my_trigger_class"]...[/expand]
And then in your theme’s quick-css section (if it has one) or your child theme’s style.css file… or even the plugin’s custom css area add something like the following CSS:
.my_trigger_class {
font-weight: 700;
color: #ff00cc;
font-size: 1.2 em;
Now, if you like, you can even set the my_trigger_class as the default trigclass in the plugin settings (under the setting aptly named default trigclass) and all that would then be required for the expand shortcode is something like:
[expand title="Trigger Text"]...[/expand]
That should resolve the issue for you. Let us know if you still have questions.