• Resolved marpessa1


    Hi and thanks for the great plugin. I have a problem with the address fields; they just won’y update the map. I’m using a custom address field (as you can see below), but I did try with the default fields too and it’s still not workin. There are no errors in the console so I’m not sure what could be wrong. My form code is below, I can provide admin access if necessary.

    <label> ?sim-Soyisim
        [text* your-name] </label>
    <label> Email Adresiniz
        [email* your-email] </label>
    <label> Cep Telefonu Numaran?z
        [tel* your-tel] </label>
    <label> Lütfen En Güncel Elektrik Faturan?z? Yükleyiniz
         [file* fatura limit:9mb filetypes:png|jpeg|jpg] </label>
    <label> Sistemin Uygulanaca?? Adres
     <p id="line">   [text* your-address placeholder "Adresinizi Giriniz"] </p></label>
    <em>Haritanin üzerindeki noktan?n do?ru oldu?una emin olun. De?ilse noktay? do?ru yere ta??y?n..</em>
      <p>[map your-location your-address "zoom:6;clat:39.92553299999998;clng:32.86628700000001;lat:39.925533;lng:32.866287"]
    <p>[acceptance your_consent]<a href="kvk"
      onclick="window.open('https://senerji.istanbul/kvk/','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Ki?isel verilerimin korunmas?n? </a> kabul ediyorum. [/acceptance]</p>
     [submit "G?nder"]
    <script type="text/javascript">
         $(document).ready( function(){
           $('.cf7-google-map-container.your-location').on('update.cf7-google-map', function(e){
             //the event has 5 address fields, e.address.line, e.address.city, e.address.pin, e.address.state, e.address.country.
             //some fields may be empty.
             $('p#line input').val(e.address.line);
             $('p#city input').val(e.address.city);
             $('p#pincode input').val(e.address.pin);
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  • Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    The search field lays over buttons on the map, which doesn’t look nice. Do you have a tip for me how I can custom the look & feel? Thanks as well!

    @klasphilipp CSS?

    @aurovrata Well that is the problem :). I am using WordPress and plugins because I cannot adjust any CSS stuff on my own. So this won’t help me. A more flexible solution for this would be better for me.
    Unfortunately the CF Google Maps plugin appears to have expired. There is not possibility to get it anywhere.
    @marpessa1 would you mind to share the Zip? ??

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    @klasphilipp change your theme to a default WP theme and the search icon will appear in the right place….it is your theme is that is affecting your map layout. I strongly recommend you learn the basic of CSS if you want to build a website.

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