We got tired of waiting after two weeks for a fix. Found a much better solution and switched all of our sites over to that.
Pmpro didn’t fit all of our needs and always had deficiencies:
1. The payment gateway settings had no way to control the interface to Woocommerce.
2. The built-in gateways with PmPro do not support our gateway provider so we had to go through woocommerce.
3. PMPro membership joins did not register in the Woocommerce system or the graphing for woocommerce. We wanted them integrated.
3. PmPro did not handle downloadable content integration. Needed to find YET ANOTHER product to do that which had its own share of problems and its own limited payment gateways which also didn’t support our provider. Was using WordPress Download Manager for that:
4. There were always interoperability problems between all the various plugins needed to make everything work. Something was always breaking because the plugins were not updated TOGETHER and kept in sync, or they had compatibility issues with newer versions of php.
5. PmPro recently added nag screens to the Admin backend telling you that you needed support that you had to keep shutting off.
6. PMPro raised their annual support costs from 97 to 197, and neither one should have been necessary if the product had a simpler, more integrated design like the above.
The above product solved all the above problems and allowed us to replace 11 plugins with just one, considerably lower our support costs, eliminate all support contracts, and dramatically simplify the management and reliability of our site. Dumping PmPro has been a good decision that we would recommend to anyone.