• Resolved moriokfutai


    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the great addon.
    I’d like to ask you the following:

    1) Do you plan adding new networks? I am looking first Stumble Upon, Facebook Share, and second for TheFancy, Delicious.

    2) I use your extension on https://CoolPile.com (WP-Socialite 2.1 on WP 3.5.1). The PIN IT button does not really pull any pic from the post. It opens the Pinterest pop-up, the post link is there, but the pic is not pulled, which makes impossible the pinning.

    Thank you in advance.


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  • Plugin Author Tom Morton


    Hello, thanks for using WPSocialite.

    1. I do plan on adding other social networks, but time and client work has gotten the better of me. I’m working on new additions and will hopefully have some soon, but cannot give you a timeframe.

    2. How are you setting the image inside of your posts? WPSocialite attempts to get a featured image from the post before sending it to Pinterest. Are you setting a featured image or is the main image coming from somewhere else, like a custom field?

    Let me know, thanks again.


    Thread Starter moriokfutai


    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for your answers and constant work to develop WP-Socialite.

    I do not use featured either custom fields for pictures.
    I simply upload the pics to the media library and insert them in posts via the media library menu.

    All the plugins I use take the first picture from the post as reference (ex: related posts, nrelate… etc).
    Is it possible to implement this in WP-Socialite is there is no featured picture setup?

    It’s more dummy proof and I am sure there are a lot of WP users out there who don’t even know what a featured Pic is :).


    Thread Starter moriokfutai


    Hi Tom,

    I hope all is good.
    I know you are busy developing a new WP Socialite update, but I was wondering if you can point me in any direction with the Pinterest button not pulling the images from the post.

    Thanks in advance.


    Thread Starter moriokfutai


    Hi Tom,

    Did you have a chance to look into this and suggest a solution?

    This is really annoying. People can not pin anything via the addon Pin It button

    Plugin Author Tom Morton



    Working on a solution for the next update. Going to have to hang tight until this weekend so I can finalize the code and push it up in an update.

    Appreciate your patience.


    Thread Starter moriokfutai


    No problem,
    Thanks again for being on top of it.

    It’s not often we see developers supporting their addons as you do … so, just a quick THANK YOU from my part …


    Plugin Author Tom Morton



    Appreciate your thanks. I want to support all of the things I build, open source or client work.

    I just pushed WPSocialite 2.3 to trunk, so you should see an update request in WordPress shortly.

    I’ve set it up to find the featured image first. If there is none, it will then fall back onto any images attached to the post. I’m going to close this topic for now, but feel free to open it again if there is still an issue.

    Let me know how this works.


    Thread Starter moriokfutai


    Hi Tom,

    Just to close the loop … I tested it and works like a charm. If no Featured pic is selected, the “Pin It” button selects the first picture of the post.

    Nice work.


    I would really like the facebook share button as well… Any chance of adding that in the near future?

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