Ok…not sure how I’m missing the boat on my explanation here but I will try and clarify.
So from what I’ve seen so far, when you install wordpress on your hosting provider you will then have a blog on the domain you installed it in. So currently I can go to kurtcruse.com/wordpress and there is my blog – I can login and write and it will post to that address. Now I posted this question to try and get some knowledge to get started so by no means am I claiming to have read all of the literature on the wordpress site. From what I’ve seen though, most of the docs address the issue of dressing up the basic blog format – post, archives, some sidebar widgets and such. What I am looking to create is a full website, content irrelevant, but say its 5 pages for the sake of argument.
1. Home page with blog and maybe a featured project
2. An about me section
3. A portfolio section
4. A picture gallery
5. Contact page
So my question is, how do I put my blog on my homepage with all the functionality of a regular old https://kurtcruse.wordpress.com/ blog. Do I actually reformat the wordpress blog pages so they have navigation buttons that link to other pages styled in the same template or do I create a site and then import the wordpress data into it?
Here are a few more links to show what I’m hoping to do.
All of these links are blogs but also have multiple pages that are not part of the blogging experience.
What I mean by front-end development is that I know how to work with html and css to create informational sites – design them, lay them out, link them up. But I’m not a back end programmer who can attach the code to enable ppl to create accounts, query information from a server, generate equations which displays certain content based on the users actions, IE php, rubyrails, .net and things like that.
I want to integrate my blog and its content into another site, not just pretty up my blog.