• I’d appreciate a little help with my sidebar.

    The template I’m using at the moment shows the following sidebar menus: Pages, Archives, Categories, Recent Entries, Blog Roll, and Meta.

    Currently I’m preparing a series of about 20 articles on entertainers and I want to set them up as pages as opposed to posts. I want each of them to be permanently visible in my right sidebar e.g. Elvis, Paul McCartney so that my reader can click on one and bring them to that page.

    Guess what I don’t know how to go about it!!

    I’ve looked for a plugin but can’t see one that will let me do this sort of thing. I’m guessing it is going to be a matter of adding to the sidebar template, like you have for Categories:

    <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=1'); ?>

    But I just can’t understand. Anyone – and thanks in advance.

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  • If you are using Widgets you can use the Pages widgets, otherwise take a look at the template tag, wp_list_pages().

    What MichaelH said. Check and see if your theme supports widgets (95% of them do) by going to “Design” than “Widgets”. I will warn you that if you start playing with adding widgets to your sidebar it will knock out the sidebar configuration that’s currently there, all you have to do then is add them back using thier corresponding widget. The upside to that is you can decide what sidebar items you really want and place them in the order you would like.

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