• Resolved donwhite


    I’ve been trying to add Slider CAPTCHA Ver 1.4.4) to Contact Form 7 (Ver 3.9) with no success.

    When I click on Generate Tag for Slider CAPTCHA on the Contact Form 7 Admin page all that appears are the words Slider CAPTCHA with no options.

    I’ve tried generating other tags and they work fine. Slider CAPTCHA is the only one that doesn’t do something.

    I do not no if this is a Contact Form 7 problem or a Slider CAPTCHA problem, but I thought I’d start my quest for a solution here.

    The site is https://www.gerichilds.com

    The theme I’m using is Dynamik Website Builder Powered by Genesis Framework.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter,

    Don White


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  • Plugin Author Henrique Mouta


    Hey there.
    As said on the slider captcha tag generation screen, you cannot setup the configs on the Contact Form 7 panel.
    You must add the tag (without any parameter), and using the Settings > Slider CAPTCHA, and select the Contact Form 7.

    Let me know if you run in any issues.


    I have the same problem and no idea how to get the slider shown in a Contact Form 7. The “Contact Form 7” is enabled in Settings-Slider CAPTCHA.

    And as Don stated I also tried to generate a tag in the form editor, but only a gray box is appearing without any tags.

    Which tag I have to add exactly in the contact form source text – I didn’t find a “slider captcha tag generation screen” or something looking like a special tag for Contact Form 7.

    Maybe it’s totally simple and we’re on the false road ??
    Thanks in advance and greetings


    Plugin Author Henrique Mouta


    Hey there.
    All the customizations have to be done on the Slider CAPTCHA settings panel, on your contact form you should only add the [slidercaptcha] short tag.

    We are going to test the Slider CAPTCHA with the newest versions of the Contact Form 7 to check out if this information is not printing right on the CF7 tag generator ??


    Ah, works like a charme!

    Thanks for your very, very fast reply! Think with this information Don also comes back on track ??

    So the contact form has to look somethings like that:

    <p>Your message<br />
        [textarea your-message] </p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>

    Kind regards and thanks for this useful extension!


    thanks ??

    Hi there i’m also having the same problem, slider captcha is not visible at all. i’m using the latest versions of WP, C7 and slider captcha.

    If i set the shortcode generated by the slider captcha settings in the contactform, and then when i postthe shortcodeof c7 where the slider captcha has to appear i only get to see the shortcode.

    on the other side if i put the slider captcha as content in the web page it does display but it’s useless than for the validation.

    i also tried this out:

    ” Did you know… If you can’t see any CAPTCHA on your Comment’s page, you must edit comments.<?php of your template and add the following code in the position that you want to have your CAPTCHA.

    <?php if(function_exists(‘slider_captcha’))
    ?> “

    I tried to fit that piece of code in more theme templates
    “comments.php” and gave it up.

    any sugestions? of what it clould possibly be?

    Hi, I got it working. there went somthing wrong with the installation, after uninstalling and intalling the plug in again it began top work just fine.

    Greetings and thanks in advance.

    any update to the plugin working on WP 4.1 yet ?

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