• Is it possible to make the threaded comments appear using this theme? I would like to use a 2-level nested setup, but no matter how I manipulate the style.CSS, I cannot get the children comments to display under the parent or indented (tried both padding and margin). The comments are listed in chronological order and un-indented format only.

    I have reset my comment layout to the default comments for now.
    Home: https://leafcolumn.com
    ex: https://leafcolumn.com/2013/10/world-bank-president-vows-to-fight/

    (the site is still under construction.

    The comments.php has this:

    <ol class="comment-list">
    			wp_list_comments( array(
    				'style'      => 'ol',
    				'short_ping' => true,
    				'avatar_size'=> 34,
    			) );
    	</ol><!-- .comment-list -->

    and the style.css comments section looks like this:

     * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .comments-area {
    	margin: 48px auto;
    	max-width: 474px;
    	padding: 0 10px;
    .comments-title {
    	font: 900 16px/1.5 Lato, sans-serif;
    	margin: 0;
    	text-transform: uppercase;
    .comment-list {
    	list-style: none;
    	margin: 0 0 48px 0;
    .comment-author {
    	font-size: 14px;
    	line-height: 1.7142857142;
    .comment-list .reply,
    .comment-metadata {
    	font-size: 12px;
    	line-height: 2;
    	text-transform: uppercase;
    .comment-list .reply {
    	margin-top: 24px;
    .comment-author .fn {
    	font-weight: 900;
    .comment-author a {
    	color: #2b2b2b;
    .comment-list .trackback a,
    .comment-list .pingback a,
    .comment-metadata a {
    	color: #767676;
    .comment-author a:hover,
    .comment-list .pingback a:hover,
    .comment-list .trackback a:hover,
    .comment-metadata a:hover {
    	color: #41a62a;
    .comment-list article,
    .comment-list .pingback,
    .comment-list .trackback {
    	border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    	margin-bottom: 24px;
    	padding-top: 24px;
    .comment-list > li:first-child > article,
    .comment-list > .pingback:first-child,
    .comment-list > .trackback:first-child {
    	border-top: 0;
    .comment-author {
    	position: relative;
    .comment-author .avatar {
    	border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    	height: 18px;
    	padding: 2px;
    	position: absolute;
    	top: 0;
    	left: 0;
    	width: 18px;
    .bypostauthor > article .fn:before {
    	content: "\f408";
    	margin: 0 2px 0 -2px;
    	position: relative;
    	top: -1px;
    .says {
    	display: none;
    .comment-list .reply,
    .comment-metadata {
    	padding-left: 30px;
    .comment-edit-link {
    	margin-left: 10px;
    .comment-edit-link:before {
    	content: "\f411";
    .comment-reply-login:before {
    	content: "\f412";
    	margin-right: 2px;
    .comment-content {
    	-webkit-hyphens: auto;
    	-moz-hyphens:    auto;
    	-ms-hyphens:     auto;
    	hyphens:         auto;
    	word-wrap: break-word;
    .comment-content ul,
    .comment-content ol {
    	margin: 0 0 24px 22px;
    .comment-content li > ul,
    .comment-content li > ol {
    	margin-bottom: 0;
    .comment-content > :last-child {
    	margin-bottom: 0;
    .comment-list .children {
    	list-style: none;
    	margin-left: 15px;
    .comment-respond {
    	margin-bottom: 24px;
    	padding: 0;
    .comment .comment-respond {
    	margin-top: 24px;
    .comment-respond h3 {
    	margin-top: 0;
    	margin-bottom: 24px;
    .form-allowed-tags code {
    	color: #767676;
    .logged-in-as {
    	font-size: 14px;
    	line-height: 1.7142857142;
    .no-comments {
    	font-size: 16px;
    	font-weight: 900;
    	line-height: 1.5;
    	margin-top: 24px;
    	text-transform: uppercase;
    .comment-form label {
    	display: block;
    .comment-form input[type="text"],
    .comment-form input[type="email"],
    .comment-form input[type="url"] {
    	width: 100%;
    .form-allowed-tags code {
    	font-size: 12px;
    	line-height: 1.5;
    .required {
    	color: #c0392b;
    .comment-reply-title small a {
    	color: #2b2b2b;
    	float: right;
    	height: 24px;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	width: 24px;
    .comment-reply-title small a:hover {
    	color: #41a62a;
    .comment-reply-title small a:before {
    	content: "\f405";
    	font-size: 32px;
    .comment-navigation {
    	font-size: 12px;
    	line-height: 2;
    	margin-bottom: 48px;
    	text-transform: uppercase;
    .comment-navigation .nav-next,
    .comment-navigation .nav-previous {
    	display: inline-block;
    .comment-navigation .nav-previous a {
    	margin-right: 10px;
    #comment-nav-above {
    	margin-top: 36px;
    	margin-bottom: 0;

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Do you have the Nested Comments check box ticked under Settings > > Discussion?

    Thread Starter bselvara


    Yes – I have the option enabled. Sorry, I forgot to mention this in the original post.

    alternatively, if there are any plugins that would accomplish what I am looking for, I would be open to these as well.

    I’m interested in whether or not you resolved your issue. Also, what plug-in did you use for your social media buttons on the right of your homepage? thanks!

    Also, you might want to change the link from your facebook—it directs just to the facebook home page and not your facebook page…

    If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic instead of tagging onto someone else’s topic.

    I am now closing this 5 month old topic as it references an older version of WordPress.

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • The topic ‘Adding Threaded (Nested) Comments to Twenty Fourteen’ is closed to new replies.