• Resolved John


    I’m having a similar problems to others – I’m trying to add the notes that a customer can make at the checkout to the csv file. The option to export appears in the dashboard fine but nothing is exported. Here is the code I’m using:

    function wpg_add_columns($cols) {
    	$cols['wc_settings_tab_customer_message'] = __('Customer Notes', 'mytheme');
    	return $cols;
    add_filter('wpg_order_columns', 'wpg_add_columns');
    function wpg_add_fields($settings) {
    	$settings['customer_message'] = array(
    								'name' => __( 'Customer Notes', 'woocommerce-simply-order-export' ),
    								'type' => 'checkbox',
    								'desc' => __( 'Customer Notes', 'woocommerce-simply-order-export' ),
    								'id'   => 'wc_settings_tab_customer_message'
    	return $settings;
    add_filter('wc_settings_tab_order_export', 'wpg_add_fields');
    function csv_write( &$csv, $od, $fields ) {
    	if( !empty( $fields['wc_settings_tab_customer_message'] ) && $fields['wc_settings_tab_customer_message'] === true ){
    		$customer_message = get_post_meta( $od->id, '_customer_message_title', true );
    		array_push( $csv, $customer_message );
    add_action('wpg_before_csv_write', 'csv_write', 10, 3);

    Can anyone see what I’m doing wrong? Thanks


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  • Change your csv_write function to following.

    function csv_write( &$csv, $od, $key ) {
    	switch( $key ){
    		case 'wc_settings_tab_customer_message':
    			$customer_message = get_post_meta( $od->id, '_customer_message_title', true );
    			array_push($csv, $customer_message);
    add_action('wpg_add_values_to_csv', 'csv_write', 10, 3);

    Also, confirm that _customer_message_title field exists in *_postmeta table. Generally, order notes are getting stored as comments.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter John


    Thanks Ankit, but it didn’t do anything. Still no customer message column in the csv file. I’ve tried to find whether customer_message-title in the post meta table, but it’s a bit beyond me!

    I would suggest you to kindly take help of any professional in this case if you are not sure about it.


    Customer message can be exported with the help of add-on. Please visit: https://sharethingz.com/woocommerce-simply-order-export-add-on/

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