• How do i replace the static ‘home top feature image’ in colorway with a small slide show.

    I don’t think i can use a plugin with shortcode on the page as the front page is controlled by the theme options menu?

    Sorry i am such a newb.

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  • I have the same issue. Anyone have a suggestion please?

    I think you’ll have to buy the upgrade…

    When I try to upload a top image and then save it, I get directed to the front end of the website, without saving the image. So it’s impossible to save a top image.

    Did anyone else have that problem?

    I changed some coding in the front=page.php file which removed “home top feature image” Here is my php file snippet so you can compare it to yours. Gives you can get an idea of what you need to change in your theme….`
    <div class=”slides_container col-full” >

    <div class=”” >
    <div class=””>
    <?php if ( inkthemes_get_option(‘colorway_slideheading1’) !=” ) {?>
    <h2 class=”title”><a href=”<?php echo inkthemes_get_option(‘colorway_slidelink1’); ?>”><?php echo inkthemes_get_option(‘colorway_slideheading1’); ?></a></h2>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <h2 class=”title”><a href=”#”></a></h2>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if ( inkthemes_get_option(‘colorway_slidedescription1’) !=” ) {?>
    <p><?php echo inkthemes_get_option(‘colorway_slidedescription1’); ?></p>
    <?php } else { ?>

    <?php } ?>
    <?php if (function_exists(“easing_slider”)){ easing_slider(); }; ?>
    <!– /.slide-content –>
    <?php if ( inkthemes_get_option(‘colorway_slideimage1’) !=” ) {?>
    <div class=”slide-image fl”><img src=”<?php echo inkthemes_get_option(‘colorway_slideimage1’); ?>” class=”slide-img” alt=”Slide 1″/> </div>

    As for the slider issue, I have it up on the site, but its permanently in the “loading” state. You can see where I placed the “easing slider” code in there. On my webapge, it sits where the Top header USED to be. If I get the slider to load I will update!

    Hope this helps!!

    Okay fixed the easing slider, now loading my pics!

    If yours is in the “loading state” jQuery is most likely loading twice and you need to remove this from the Easing Slider file: easing-slider/easingslider.php. Can be found in your admin-plugins-editor.

    The code I removed is:


    and it works now! Hope this helps someone also!

    Thread Starter r896neo


    Hey man thanks i have got it done but still have the constant loading symbol even though i deleted the code above any other ideas?

    Thread Starter r896neo


    scratch that got it working but the image quality is horrific but i;ll play around until i sort it.

    thanks for your help.

    Easy!!! use do_shortcode to call your own slider.

    in front-page.php

    find the below lines and replace the BOLD with your own slider short code.
    it remove the image and will replace it with your own slider..

    TIP: Use Nivo slider with NextGen gallery plugin..

    <?php if (inkthemes_get_option(‘colorway_slideimage1’) != ”) { ?>

    <div class=”slide-image fl”><?php echo do_shortcode(‘[nivo post_type=”slide” number=30 size=”second”]’) ?></div>

    <?php } else { ?>


    Cud u plz tell me how to use Nivo slider with NextGen gallery plugin so that i can add my own slide.


    Install both plugins.
    upload images in NextGen gallery.
    then in Nivo slider settings activite NextGen albums too.

    Now in any page when you insert the slider you will have option if you want slider 1, 2 or NextGen album…

    Thank u rayjay but I want to know that how to replace the static image in home page of colorway theme with a slide show.


    As explained above.
    in your front-page.php find below

    <?php if (inkthemes_get_option(‘colorway_slideimage1’) != ”) { ?>

    <div class=”slide-image fl”>
    REMOVE ANYTHING BETWEEN HERE and Replace it with your slider short code wrappind it in do_shortcode script i.e
    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘YOUR SLIDER SHORT CODE HERE‘) ?>

    <?php } else { ?>

    What is your site address?
    Which slider plugin you have?

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