1. When you post code, please use backticks, otherwise the forum code will try to interpret your code. (Use the code button if your keyboard doesn’t have a backtick.)
2. The $args
parameter in the add_custom_sections() function needs to be defined. See Nicolas’s example, where he defines them as follows:
$my_sections_args = array(
'ids' => array( 1 , 45 , 47 ),
'blur' => 0,
'background' => array( 1 => "randcolors", 45 => 'thumb' , 47 => 'randimages' ),//'randcolors'
'context' => 'home',
'hook' => '__before_main_wrapper',
'apply_shadow' => false,
'layout' => 'boxed',
add_custom_sections ( $my_sections_args );