Thanks for the help moshu, I’m getting closer.
Okay, so it looks like I’ve successfully applied the […] as a link to read more but I want it to jump to the permalink of the whole page, not where the <!–more–> tag has designated it. Trying to incorporate that into the_content line proved unsuccessful.
Here is the code I have for that section so far:
<?php the_content(‘<span class=”read-on”>[…]</span>’); ?>
<div class=”details”>
<?= _(‘Posted at’) ?> <?php the_time(‘ga \o\n ‘ . $hemingway->date_format(true) . ‘/y’) ?> | <?php comments_popup_link(‘no comments’, ‘1 comment’, ‘% comments’); ?> | Filed Under: <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?><span class=”read-on”>“>read on</span>
Any ideas on that?
Also trying to get rid of the “read on ->” in the post info area. I would like to keep the box/arrow icon and place it in the brackets.