Hey @ivhero,
It sounds like the customer is actaully seeing the ‘order received’ email, not the ‘order completed’ email. This could be due to a couple different things. First, I would say, check to see if the orders themselves are actually in ‘Completed’ status (and not processing or on-hold). If they are not in Completed, then:
– have you changed payment processor recently? and is the response from that payment processor setting non-ticket orders to completed?
– are your ‘ticket’ products marked as ‘ticket’ (i know they should be, but double check if you would), because if they are not, then they will cause orders to go into processing instead of completed, which means the user never gets the completed order email
If the orders are in ‘completed’ status already, then:
– if you send the ‘completed order’ email again, does the ticket information show up in the new version of the email?
– what happens when you run through the checkout yourself?
– are you actually receiving the completed order email either via triggering it from the admin or receiving it from the normal checkout flow?
All of these are starting points really. These tests are meant to determine if this is a software issue or an email delivery issue. The main thing to note here is that the ‘thank you’ email is not the same as the ‘completed order’ email, and that the tickets only show on the latter, not the former.