• The only way I’ve found to add product categories to custom menus is to add them as “custom” links, using html like


    or, (live link)


    Isn’t there something more … integral to Woocommerce that does this?

    I’m just trying to build a store structure that is going to hold up to theme changes, that doesn’t use any hacks or php code insertions, just the core functionality of Woocommerce and perhaps plugins/extensions if absolutely needed.

    Is this method as good as it gets?

    The examples are a pure test (sandbox) store that obviously ins’t going to go live as a place to buy woozles and hefalumps.

    I’ve got a more elaborate test store at another URL, this one only has 4 simple products, but it should be enough to test/demonstrate product categories.


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  • No it needs to be on under the “Genere” section where it says “No categories” on the home page.

    What I think I am seeing is a Widget in the upper left hand-side of the Home page. It says “Category.” I may be in the wrong section? Should I be looking for something called “Category” instead of a “Menu”?

    I only see Categories under “Posts” and “Products.” Any suggestions?

    Yes, I was right. I changed the widget to “Custom Menu” and then followed your insturctions. It worked! ??

    Thank you splashingpixels…your advice has just enabled me to sort out a problem that has been causing me enormous stress for 2 days – I’m a complete novice here and coding is still a foreign language to me, so I’m now feeling incredibly pleased to have resolved this by myself, thanks to your excellent advice

    Thank you splashingpixels!!

    The information here about how to add product categories as sub shop pages works great. Now I want to go in and edit the pages but can’t find. How to I edit the shop category pages I created?

    Never mind my above question as I figured it out. I wanted to add some text to the sub shop category menus but because I used the easier method as described by spashingpixesls, I couldn’t find the page to edit. So I used MRGMSR method of creating an individual page for each category and I’m set. Both methods work so it depends on your need.

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