• I’m not super familiar with AD / LDAP to know whether the scenario I encountered with getting connectivity to work is common or not. But wanted to list what I had to do in case it is worth adding to a future version of the plugin.

    Issue: Could not get WPDIRAuth or any other LDAP plugin to work without customization. Core issue is that a prefix parameter (“company/”) is required during authentication / search but not username / pass validation.


    • Anywhere that accountSuffix or similar variable is stored, include an accountPrefix variable.
    • Add data entry field to plugin above suffix field
    • In wpDirAuth_retrieveUserDetails before generating rscResult…
      $accountPrefix = get_site_option('dirAuthAccountPrefix');
      		if($accountPrefix) {
      			//echo "PRE: strFilterQuery = " . $strFilterQuery . " and prefix = " . $accountPrefix . "<br/>";
      			$strFilterQuery = str_replace( $accountPrefix , "", $strFilterQuery );
      			//echo "POST: strFilterQuery = " . $strFilterQuery . "<br/>";

    Would be happy to share full version of edits if desired. Just let me know preferred method to share to plugin devs (email, pastebin, etc).


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  • Thread Starter Jamie O


    A little further into this and understanding it a little less.

    • If I leave Bind DN / Bind Password empty – accounts which are already created OR attempted to create during a user login work successfully. However, use of the Add New Directory Authentication User form gets an error: “Directory authentication initially succeeded, but no valid profile was found (search procedure). []”
    • If Bind DN / Bind Password is filled – Admin can create new users but nobody is able to login with an AD account. All attempted logins get “Directory Authentication Error: Could not authenticate user. Please check your credentials. [Domain\username]”

    I know this particular AD is kind of messy, but the weirdest part is that using the same account credentials to attempt both scenarios does not work. For time-being manual workaround is to put site into maintenance mode while creating new accounts (using Bind).

    Would love to see a prefix field be in a future version and willing to be an excellent beta test scenario for it if that happens.

    Thread Starter Jamie O


    Any chance this might be considered for an update?

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