• Resolved subhamkotnala


    Great plugin, LOVE IT.
    I want to add 2 more drop down values apart from “Reg” and “PTO”.
    I have made the changes in time_min.js
    But I can see that time_cal.php contains many complex calculations for calculating the total no of hours. Can you help me with the time_cal.php, tell me where to make the changes ??
    Thank you

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  • Thread Starter subhamkotnala


    Hi Rhett,
    I have tried but did not succeed.
    Please have a look at my function sumrows() and can you tell me where I am going wrong?

    function sumrows() {
    	var e, t, il, vab, d, n, a, o, i, s, m, l, r, illr, vabbr, u, y, _;
    	e = t = d = n = a = o = i = s = m = il = vab = 0, l = r = illr = vabbr = u = y = _ = "";
    	var p, c, g = document.getElementById("Reg"),
    		v = document.getElementById("PTO"),
    		h = document.getElementById("pto_row"),
    	    ill = document.getElementById("ILL"),
    		illrow = document.getElementById("ill_row"),
    		vabb = document.getElementById("VABB"),
    		vabbrow = document.getElementById("vabb_row"),
    		b = document.getElementById("OT"),
    		f = document.getElementById("ot_row"),
    		w = document.getElementById("Bonus"),
    		E = document.getElementById("TOT"),
    		B = document.getElementById("TOTamt"),
    		k = document.getElementsByName("hours[]"),
    		T = document.getElementsByName("date[]"),
    		I = rate,
    		F = 0;
    	if (exempt <= 0 && 15 <= period) {
    		var M = parseInt(T[0].value),
    			x = new Date(864e5 * M);
    		for (c = weekday[x.getDay()]; weekbegin != weekday.indexOf(c);) c = weekday[x.getDay()], x.setDate(x.getDate() - 1);
    		for (x /= 864e5; db_date[F] < x;) F++;
    		if (M - 7 < x)
    			for (; db_date[F] < M;) "Reg" == db_hourtype[F] && (s = parseFloat(db_hours[F]), db_date[F + 1] ? next_entry = db_date[F + 1] : next_entry = db_date[F] + 1, db_date[F] == next_entry ? m += s : (s += m, m = 0), 0 == m && (i = exempt < 0 && 8 < s ? 8 : parseFloat(s), a = (parseFloat(a) + i).toFixed(2))), F++, x++;
    		i = s = m = 0
    	for (F = 0; F < T.length;) 0 < k[F].value && (k[F].style.backgroundColor = "#555", k[F].style.color = "#FFF", s = parseFloat(k[F].value), _ = k[F].nextSibling.value, next_entry = 0, exempt <= 0 && "Reg" == _ && (T[F + 1] && (next_entry = T[F + 1].value), T[F].value == next_entry && "Reg" == k[F + 1].nextSibling.value ? m += s : (s += m, m = 0)), 0 == m && ("Reg" == _ && (i = exempt < 0 && 8 < s ? parseFloat(s) - 8 : 0, exempt < 0 && (n = (parseFloat(n) + i).toFixed(2)), exempt <= 0 && (a = (parseFloat(a) + s - i).toFixed(2))), exempt < 0 && 0 < n && (d = (parseFloat(d) + parseFloat(n)).toFixed(2), n = 0), "Reg" == _ && (e = (parseFloat(e) + s).toFixed(2)), "PTO" == _ && (t = (parseFloat(t) + s).toFixed(2)), "ILL" == _ && (ill = (parseFloat(ill) + s).toFixed(2)), "VABB" == _ && (vab = (parseFloat(vab) + s).toFixed(2)), o = (parseFloat(o) + s).toFixed(2))), 0 == m && exempt <= 0 && (p = (c = new Date(864e5 * (parseInt(T[F].value) + 2))).getDay(), weekbegin != p && T[F + 1] || (40 < a && (d = (parseFloat(d) + (parseFloat(a) - 40)).toFixed(2)), a = 0)), F++;
    	0 < (e = (parseFloat(e) - parseFloat(d)).toFixed(2)) && (l = 1 < e ? " hrs" : " hr"), 0 < t ? (r = 1 < t ? " hrs" : " hr", h.style.display = "table-row") : h.style.display = "none", 0 < il ? (illr = 1 < il ? " hrs" : " hr", illrow.style.display = "table-row") : illrow.style.display = "none", 0 < vab ? (vabbr = 1 < vab ? " hrs" : " hr", vabbrow.style.display = "table-row") : vabbrow.style.display = "none", 0 < d ? (u = 1 < d ? " hrs" : " hr", f.style.display = "table-row") : f.style.display = "none", 0 < o && (y = 1 < o ? " hrs" : " hr"), g.value = e + l, v.value = t + r, ill.value = il + illr, vabb.value = vab + vabbr, b.value = d + u, E.value = o + y, w.value = 0 < pay_bonus ? currency + pay_bonus : 0, 0 < I && (B.value = (parseFloat(o) * parseFloat(I)).toFixed(2), B.value = currency + (parseFloat(B.value) + parseFloat(pay_bonus) + parseFloat(d) * (.5 * parseFloat(I))).toFixed(2)), 0 === summary_updated && set_opacity(1), show_save(0)
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by subhamkotnala.
    Plugin Author RLDD


    Hi subhamkotnala, A note that if these files are changed on your local installation, WordPress will overwrite them on the next version update of the plugin.

    The original design allows for 2 items in the dropdown and a text field, with the ability for the text field to be an infinite field to store more values. I suggest using the text field to categorize time values if more categories are needed. I believe adding a new dropdown can be accomplished, but if a new field is added to JS, there will be additional work required to add these fields to the database and related functions.

    I will look at the JS file and see if I can still help you.

    Thread Starter subhamkotnala


    Hi Rhett,
    Yes I understand that these files will get affected if there is an update but I’m helpless. That is one of my primary requirements to have 2 more drop downs. For time being I have I’m not updating the plugin. And regarding the changes in other files such as time_cal.php and time_functions.php, I have made some changes (just replicating PTO with different id, value and database column name). I just want the time_min.js changes which I’m struggling to.
    I just want to add 2 more drop downs.

    Thanks a lot in advance

    Plugin Author RLDD


    Hi subhamkotnala,

    For JS function sumrows(), additional dropdown variables should be treated exactly as PTO is treated, so as to not influence the overtime calculations. Any operation that affects PTO will need a similar operation to affect Ill variable, and anywhere that Reg is specified should not affect the new Ill variable.

    Additionally, the new variable will need to be added to the select in addweek(), and total field rows populated in an array in time_cal.php.

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter subhamkotnala


    Hi Rhett,
    Thanks for your concern. I have made some changes in the code introducing 2 variables il and vab. Can you please look at the code which I posted in my question? That’s what I did. But it doesn’t seem to work. Can you please go through the code and tell me where I am going wrong?
    Thanks a lot in advance

    Plugin Author RLDD


    Hi subhamkotnala. Just to emphasize… your plugin will not be able to receive future updates to these files without an update overwriting your modifications. This would exclude you from security updates as well as being compatible with the PRO add-on. But also, if in the future we create an option to allow more dropdown items, you will not be able to use it.

    I have looked at sumrows(), it looks like the new values Ill and vabb need to be added to the TOTamt (B), this occurs immediately before summary_updated is evaluated. Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter subhamkotnala


    Hi Rhett,
    Thanks a lot for your concern.
    Can you provide me your email id so that I can mail you the code? I am facing a small issue.
    Thanks in advance

    Plugin Author RLDD


    Sure, this forum won’t allow email addresses in replies. If there is something else you need assistance with (like billing, Pro add-on, or troubleshooting), please contact us in the upper right corner of the plugin admin page (support & diagnostics). Thank you!

    Thread Starter subhamkotnala


    Hi Rhett,
    It would be better if I use this forum to clarify my doubt.
    I am facing a strange issue. Please hang up on me for this.
    I have added 2 more drop down values ILL and VABB.
    I have added the all the local variables in the function sumrows()
    The issue is everything seems to work fine. Even the values for the new types are getting inserted and updated too in the database(I have checked thoroughly).
    Now the issue, when I am selecting ILL or VABB in the drop down, the summary below is getting displayed calculating the no of hours for respective drop downs. Fine as of now. But the real thing is occurring when I am submitting the time report. Now I am not seeing VABB in the summary as well as in the drop down but ILL is visible perfectly with the no of hours. The strange thing is the no of hours for VABB is getting inserted in the database, even the total no of hours is perfect except that the summary of the VABB is not visible. I have inspected the VABB summary row and set the display to “table-rows” but I can see that the value for VABB after submitting is becoming 0 but somehow the correct value is getting inserted in the database. I have made appropriate change in time_cal.php too.

    Can you please suggest me which part of the code to examine, for this issue.
    I know it is strange.
    Thanks a lot for sparing your valuable time ??

    Plugin Author RLDD


    Hi, I would be speculating on the issue without having all the files that have changed. It’s not something I can support since it’s not really apart of the original plugin.

    But, I can try to assist. To summarize the issue, are you saying that your addition of Ill is working, and VABB is not (as far as displaying)? At first glance, I recommend stepping through and ensuring both variables are handled the same way and subject to identical operations.

    Thread Starter subhamkotnala


    Hi Rhett,
    I got the exact issue.
    After submit the value of vabb is becoming 0.
    Can you guess where the problem might be?

    Plugin Author RLDD


    Hi subhamkotnala,

    If vabb is 0 after saving, then it might not be successfully setting the JS vabb array from the db values on time_cal.php.

    Thread Starter subhamkotnala


    Hi Rhett,
    Can you give me some hint as to which part of the code in time_cal.php deals with setting JS vabb array from db values?
    Because only vabb has that issue, ill works perfectly.

    Plugin Author RLDD


    Hi again,

    I can try to help, but I don’t have the files you’ve changed, so it’s pure speculation.

    1) Make sure the query is pulling vabb entries from the db. This occurs in time_cal.php, in the $entry_query_string variable. You might have to run the query manually and/or echo $entry_query_string variable to the interface.

    2) Make sure the entries (from $entry_query_string variable) are loaded into the corresponding JS variables in time_load_entries.php. You can see these values from the F12 console.

    Thread Starter subhamkotnala


    Hi Rhett,
    It worked finally. vabbwas somehow not getting populated in hours[]. I fixed it ??
    Thanks for your concern I appreciate it.

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