• Resolved sarahweb


    I am really struggling to figure this out

    On the listing page using loop_listing_blog_default you get


    However I wanted to add some other items ie
    Initial Period
    Property Type
    Num Bedrooms

    etc etc

    I have been trying to follow some of your instructions but they don’t seem to be displaying the correct info – using this page:

    I have been trying this
    <?php do_action( ‘epl_property_furnished’ ); ?>
    nothing displays (nor does “property_furnished”)
    I managed to get “Available from” using this line
    <?php do_action( ‘epl_property_available_dates’ );// meant for rent only ?>
    which I got from a single listing template – however I cannot find another list of what other items I can use in “do_actions” the page I linked too above doesn’t have “epl_property_available_dates” it has “property_date_available” so I am not sure that its the right page to look at

    Basically I am trying to locate how I echo out any of the information located via the XML insert?

    I know how to edit the template but you don’t actual say what the field names are called to echo them out

    Bit like

    <?php do_action(‘epl_property_price’); ?>

    Actually displays “£2,500/ Monthly£3,750 Deposit” where as I actually wanted to have price on its own and deposit/bond later on – as an example

    Not sure if documentation matches the latest version or whether I am looking at the wrong page

    Any help appreciated

    Thank you Sarah


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  • Thread Starter sarahweb


    posted a priority support ticket for this as realised you don’t use this forum anymore!

    please post answer here when you figure it out ??

    Plugin Author Merv Barrett


    Hi Sarah,

    Not quite how you use a do_action, you can only use the ones that are available.

    A do_action is a place to hook in something to.

    WordPress do_action
    — Execute functions hooked on a specific action hook.

    So to add features property_furnished meta field you can use the get_property_meta function and you would do this in the template like this

    <?php echo $property->get_property_meta('property_furnished'); ?>

    Ensure that your template file has the global $property at the beginning in php like here

    All the available do_actions are in the single template

    These are the meta fields that are in the plugin.

    Now back to the property_furnished when you echo that you will get the value which in this case is yes…

    so you can create a custom function to display the words instead or an icon etc

    function my_property_furnished() {
    global $property;
    $furnished = $property->get_property_meta('property_furnished');
    if ( $furnished == 'yes' ) {
    // Do Something
    echo '<span class="my-furnished-class">this listing is furnished</span>;
    add_action( 'my_extra_listing_details' , 'my_property_furnished' );

    WordPress add_action

    NOW here is how you can use the do_action to output the furnished onto your template instead of having a messy template with lots of if else statements

    in your template you can add a do_action where you want to output the furnished or other items

    do_action( my_extra_listing_details);

    OR you can use an existing do action already in the template where you change in the above example.

    add_action( 'my_extra_listing_details' , 'my_property_furnished' );


    add_action( 'epl_property_after_content' , 'my_property_furnished' ); // this will add it to the epl_property_after_content do_action hook

    Repeat for the other items you have by creating mini functions or a single one with all the extra bits you need,

    Thread Starter sarahweb


    thanks Merv – that has helped heaps!

    a few more items that I need to hunt down but I will post if I don’t find the answers

    Plugin Author Merv Barrett


    Glad to help you out

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