• I’m guessing on the version btw.

    My blog has a blogroll/link section labeled “Inspiration” in my sidebar. I want a second blogroll, labeled something else, to hold different links. How do I do this in the html? I managed to get a new title up but not the place to add the links in.

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  • She was always perfectly clear to me, fellas. Wish I came sooner. I know how to fix your second problem, too.

    Use this code:

    <?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘between=\n); ?>

    Tell me if that works, you might also use this code:

    <?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘before=&after=
    ‘); ?>

    I hope one of those works, I’m unable to test it at the moment.

    Or you might want to try this:

    <?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘before= &after=
    ‘); ?>

    ONE of those should work, if not, try a space after before=

    Sorry, I’m in a super rush, so I can’t test it.

    If you want to separate the two lists, say on different sidebars or something, use this code:

    <?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘category=#’); ?>

    Good luck! I’ll try to come back to check on ya, but I have a huge project going on. ??

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I’m not sure what ColourDreamer was trying to explain, but to fix the bullet problem, just change the code to this:

    <?php wp_list_bookmarks("category_before=&category_after="); ?>

    That will eliminate the LI’s being added around each category list.

    Thread Starter Tawanda


    Colordreamer~ thanks for the effort; I wasn’t sure which code you meant to fix the second issue with the bullets.

    Otto, I changed it to the code you suggested but the diamond bullets are still there. sixredheads.com

    When I look into your page sourcecode there’s a </ul> tag right after your link to Three Rivers Market. Either try to remove this, or let it be followed by a new <ul> tag.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Tawanda: No, the bullets are gone. Look next to the Inspiration and such.

    You still have bullets next to the Amazon thing and the book pictures, but that appears to be coming from some other bit of code in your sidebar, not from the links code.

    Zoutesnor: That UL you’re referring to is correct and is supposed to be there. The problem is the LI with an ID of “amazon-product”.

    Thread Starter Tawanda


    I’m getting confused again. I still see bullets from my nanowrimo link on down. They were not there until yesterday, when I changed my bookmark code to what Otto suggested.

    What is this other issue, the

      you guys are talking about?

    Thread Starter Tawanda


    ‘k, I put ul in brackets and then it didn’t show up. Guess that is a code no-no? sigh.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    When you paste code on the forums, use the backticks to surround it. Or click the “code” button.

    As for the bullets, those are caused by <li> tags that surround your nanowrimo link, your amazon links, etc. That is code that is in your sidebar *after* the wp_list_bookmarks() piece. Those are cause by something else. I don’t know what you changed to create those, but without seeing your code, I cannot tell you how to fix them.

    Try this: Go to https://wordpress.pastebin.ca/ and paste your entire sidebar.php file into there. Then post the link back here. This will let us see your code and tell you what to do.

    Thread Starter Tawanda


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    You deleted an extra <ul> by mistake when you were putting the wp_list_bookmarks code in.

    Add a <ul> immediately after <?php wp_list_bookmarks("category_before=&category_after="); ?> and that will correct it.

    Or copy and paste the file from this fixed version:

    Thread Starter Tawanda


    Thanks!!! That’s much better!

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