• Hi,
    I installed the Horizontal Scrolling Announcement plugin:

    + Widget to Page plugin in order to enable running the announcement anywhere on the page.

    The announcement installed and is perfectly running on a PC while on smartphone the line cut after presenting the 1st few words (about 5 when the Smartphone is on vertical position).

    I set the announcement characters in 3 different color to ease seeing which part is cut.
    The 1st group is in Red color, the 2nd group is in Turquoise and the last is in Blue.

    If you look at the page on Smartphone you will easily see that the Blue section is not seen.
    In addition, as a result, the line appear on the smartphone after a delay and with a long gap between.
    The reason is that the line is long and when it cut on the smartphone the line is actually still running (you can see this on a pc) and it reappear on the smartphone only when it restart (next circle as on the PC).
    I accelerate the circle timing in order to shorten the loop time.

    My Q. please:
    1. Do you have any idea how this can be fixed?
    2. Are you aware / have experience in using other make plugins that are running smoothly on smartphones.
    3. When increasing the circulation speed, the line on a PC is heavily flickering (on smartphone the move is smooth)
    _ same Q. do you have an idea how to solve this issue or have good experience in using other plugins.

    Link to the problematic announcement page:

    Highly appreciate your suggestions and support

    Thank you, Roni

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