• CtSAdmin


    Fortunato is a great theme, hats off to CrestaProject for creating it but it doesnt seem to include support for a social media link to Flickr. Either on the free or the paid Pro version. Which for a photography based project was a bit of an inconvenience!

    We are running a site for a charity expedition (https://www.ChasingTheSunrise.org) and as such on a tight budget. Grateful as ever to the open source world of WP ??

    So one for the knowledge base until CrestProject get around to adding this feature, heres how to add a Flickr social media icon to the incredible Furtunato theme by Cresta Project:

    1. The header.php contains the social media bar text which uses the Font Awesome package.

    2. We changed the VK social media link to direct to Flickr instead – so in the dashboard theme options our Flickr URL is saved under the VK entry.

    3. So in header.php the contents of the “if (!empty($vkURL)) :” container was modified as follows:

    a. <i class=”fa fa-vk spaceLeftRight”> was changed to <i class=”fa fa-flickr spaceLeftRight”> to show the correct icon.
    b. esc_attr_e( ‘VK’, ‘fortunato’ ) was changed in the two places to esc_attr_e( ‘Flickr’, ‘fortunato’ )

    That’s it. Hope this helps some others out. Although Chasing the Sunrise is for charity and on a tight budget, a feature like this may well have seen us invest in the Pro version.

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