Adding First and Last Name field to checkout
I’m trying to add a first and last name field to the membership checkout. I found a link you provided in another user request I tried to follow the instructions but they did not help and it actually crashed the page.
I’m looking for wp-content/pages/checkout.php, correct? That is where I tried adding the code.
Any help is appreciated.
Hi Kyle,
You should get these by default – no need to add. If you just set up PMPro with all of the default settings, these will appear at the top of the billing address.
If you use the descriptions and terms of service, they will show above on the checkout page above the billing address.
You do not alter any of the php files
What version of PMPro are you using and what gateway?
Hi Lisa – Has PMPro been updated to include first/last names by default? With the version we’re running (1.6.1) we had to include code from that Github page into our functions.php to capture first/last name with the PayPal checkout.
@kyledempster7, if you’re running the same setup as we are, then you’ll want to put that code into functions.php or a custom plugin created for that purpose. (If you’re not familiar with editing functions.php, just be very careful – take a backup first, and make sure you have FTP access to your server, so you can restore the original file if something goes wrong – also, remember that the opening PHP tag doesn’t get copied in.)
Hi @essaysnark,
This is why I asked what gateway – I use Stripe on my site and I have these above the address.
@kyle – please keep in mind that github is for developers only – so if you would like more help with that we do have a developers forum that you can sign up for at Paid Memberships Pro
I work for a non-profit and I have to propve that the service works well enough before we buy into it.
We have Paypal Standard set as the payment gateway. I watched one of our employees check out using a test form where they submitted $1. The only information it asked them to create was a username and password.
My concern is that we need members first and last name, email and phone number.
I’m using Version 1.6.1
@kyledempster7, the code you linked to and the instructions I offered are better for PayPal Express. For PayPal Standard, you can use the Register Helper plugin. The files you need are here:
Thanks for that great info @essaysnark.
Maybe this is a silly question but I have read the Read Me and I’m still having trouble determining where you put the ‘field’ you just made.
Would that go in the functions.php that you mentioned earlier or does the new field go within the plugin itself?
The field goes in the main plugin file – by default, /pmpro-register-helper-master/pmpro-register-helper-master.php
There’s an example in the code that’s commented-out:
/* $text = new PMProRH_Field("company", "text", array("size"=>40, "class"=>"company", "profile"=>true, "required"=>true)); pmprorh_add_registration_field("after_billing_fields", $text); */
Those are essentially the two lines you need: one to define the field, then the function that adds it. You’d need to also use the pmpro_signup shortcode specified in the readme on a post or page to display the checkout form. You could try simply un-commenting that block in the PHP file and see if it works.
Unfortunately I just tried doing so and I can’t get the new field to display on my checkout form – it’s going into the user profile screen so I know it’s working but I didn’t manage to get it all the way there. I don’t have time to investigate further right now but maybe you can get it working on your site. Please report back and let us know how you do!
Well I couldn’t let it go – and I’m glad I didn’t, because the plugin was in fact working, I just wasn’t implementing it right – and even worse, I’ve given you some bad information.
To correct the record:
The shortcode mentioned in the helper plugin readme doesn’t have anything to do with the added fields, I think it’s just a second feature that this plugin offers. The fields you add with the plugin will show up on the regular Membership Checkout form but not on a checkout form rendered through the pmpro_signup shortcode
The bigger issue though: This plugin is for adding *new* fields – and the first/last name fields already exist on the WP user record. (I was going off info from this thread but I think I got confused).
I actually don’t know how to display the WP user first/last name fields with PayPal Standard. And I don’t think you’d want to have this plugin create new fields since those two fields already exist.
One thing you might try: In PMPro, you can switch the payment gateway to PayPal Express and then use these instructions:
We’re using the PayPal Express gateway with PMPro even though our PayPal account technically is “PayPal Standard” and it works fine. So that might be the easiest.
Sorry to send you on a wild goose chase! The good part of PMPro is that it’s completely open and you can do anything you want with it; the sometimes-challenging part is making it do exactly what you want, given all the options out there. I just bumble along to make stuff work, am not an expert – obviously right? ??
@eassaysnark, I really appreciate all of the time you have put into this.
I just changed our gateway payment option to paypal express (in paid membership pro) and it still did not ask for anything more than Username, password and email.
Sadly, I can’t read the post you gave because it requires a membership to read it (
The PayPal Express gateway still needs modifications (to functions.php) in order to display those two fields, it’s not automatic. From what Lisa said, it sounds like maybe the Stripe integration shows those fields by default, in case Stripe would be an option instead.
If you want to plow ahead with PayPal, then you just need to insert some code into functions.php – and for that, I think you can sign up on Jason’s site for free to see the article, you just need to register for an account first.
Hi Kyle you can use Stripe in test mode and verify that this works.
You can create an account with Stripe for free.
The best thing about Stripe is that once you get going, your bank transfers happen automatically, they don’t just sit in some Stripe account until you transfer them, like how it works with PayPal.
Super easy. Just set it up with all the default settings and it works.
Here’s how it looks on Stripe:
Kyle – You can register to read the documentation –
Also check back because I’ll be revising the initial set up docs in the next week. We just redid our website, so stay tuned more more info, and be sure to subscribe to the blog. But keep in mind, that although the plugin in free, but we do charge for support:)
@lisa I did register to read the information. Sadly, I cannot see the Evernote link. It’s giving an access error.
Hi Kyle –
I just tried it in 2 other non logged in browsers, so I think you may have another issue?
Try from another computer or network if you can.
But it just shows the First name, Last name fields on the checkout.
@lisa, just FYI, I can’t see the Evernote link either.
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