Adding external plugins for CKeditor in WP
Hello everybody,
How is it possible to adding external plugins for CKeditor in WP???
config.extraPlugins = ‘plugin_Name’; is not working!!!!
Really thanks for help and sorry for my unknow.
Greetings from Munich
Did you add the plugin files to your CKEditor for WordPress plugin (usually in
)?Hi vokiel,
yes vokiel, i upload the plugin in this folder and add the file
config.extraPlugins = ‘plugin_Name’;
in ckeditor.config.js and i try in config.js but no chance ??Do you have any ideas please??
Really thanks for helping
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
What plugin are you trying to add?
a lots of
for example more but sorry buddy i forgot the other
When i tested after include i always had delete the cache and more in Croome Version 54.0.2840.71 m
I will glad when maybe you can try, thank you
Greetings from Munich
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Hello @vokiel , sorry i dont want to push but maybe you have a answer for my problem ??
Thank you for helping
Hi @senfgurke, I found some time to check the issue you’re having.
I’ve started from scratch with a fresh WordPress copy, installed it and added CKEditor for WordPress plugin.
Then downloaded those plugins you’ve mentioned, and unpacked them into
. I had to createcssanim
folder manually and unzip the plugin inside it as it doesn’t contain it. Others were fine – so I just unzipped it.Next step was to add those plugins to the
file, like this:$ cat ckeditor.config.js /* Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see or */ /** * Documentation: * */ CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(config) { // The minimum editor width, in pixels, when resizing it with the resize handle. config.resize_minWidth = 450; // Protect PHP code tags (<?...?>) so CKEditor will not break them when // switching from Source to WYSIWYG. config.protectedSource.push(/<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/g); // Define toolbars, you can remove or add buttons. // List of all buttons is here: // WordPress basic toolbar config.toolbar_WordpressBasic = [ { name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ], items: [ 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Strike', '-', 'RemoveFormat' ] }, { name: 'paragraph', groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi' ], items: [ 'Blockquote', '-', 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight'] }, { name: 'links', items: [ 'Link', 'Unlink' ] }, { name: 'insert', items: [ 'Image', 'SpecialChar' ] } ]; // The equivalent of "WordPressFull" toolbar, defined in a way that makes adding buttons from plugins easier. config.toolbarGroups = [ { name: 'document', groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] }, { name: 'clipboard', groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] }, { name: 'editing', groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] }, // { name: 'forms' }, '/', { name: 'paragraph', groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi' ] }, { name: 'links' }, { name: 'insert' }, { name: 'wordpress' }, '/', { name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] }, { name: 'styles' }, { name: 'colors' }, { name: 'tools' }, { name: 'about' } ]; // Remove buttons in "WordPressFull" toolbar config.WordpressFull_removeButtons = 'Save,NewPage,Preview,Print,Templates,CreateDiv,PageBreak,Styles'; //IE: remove border of image when is as a link config.extraCss = "a img { border: 0px\\9; }"; config.extraPlugins += (config.extraPlugins ? ',youtube,fontawesome,cssanim' : 'youtube,fontawesome,cssanim' ); };
I’ve just added this line:
config.extraPlugins += (config.extraPlugins ? ',youtube,fontawesome,cssanim' : 'youtube,fontawesome,cssanim' );
And that’s all. I see all of them working inside the CKEditor.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Hi @vokiel ,
puuuuh Perfect
that’s the reason why I asked you as a professional man. Alone I would have never thought of this. Many thanks I’ll try at the weekend. Thank you and have a nice weekend.Hi @vokiel i follow your instruction but then put the code , Soooory maybe iam stoopid
config.extraPlugins += (config.extraPlugins ? ',youtube,fontawesome,cssanim' : 'youtube,fontawesome,cssanim' );
is the CKEditor Button Panel hidden (not to see)
then i remove the code is the panel to see but natural without pluginn ?? ??-
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
all fine Yeah
it missed one
: 'youtube,fontawesome,cssanim'
: ',youtube,fontawesome,cssanim'
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
Great you’ve managed to solve it!
If you think this issue can be closed, please do so.
Hello i follow this link for make mathjax working , but it’s not working yet , can you help me please , i copy you plugin into ckeditor/plugin mathjax equation and i added this instruction : config.extraPlugins = ‘eqneditor’;
in file config but not working , ! maybe i did some wrong can you help me please …!try
config.extraPlugins += (config.extraPlugins ? 'eqneditor' : 'eqneditor' );
or try
config.extraPlugins += (config.extraPlugins ? ',eqneditor' : ',eqneditor' );
delete cache at your browser . Good luck
iam not sure but you need a compatible 4.5 version Plugin. I only see 4.4
it’s working thanks
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
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