• I found this video that explains how to create an inline meta-data field for data entry to the main Post GUI. https://youtu.be/6frN4VmciFE

    I’m trying to create a Post that has several parts each with different graphics and input types, not just the single main rich text box.

    Is there a way to do something like this:

    | Post Title | text box

    Progress: | Introduced \/| (pull down combobox with pre-defined options)
    | Passed House |
    | Passed Senate |

    Summary _______________________________________________ Rich Text Box
    | Lorums Ipsem Dog Cat Chicken Fried Chicken |
    | Lorums Ipsem Dog Cat Chicken Fried Chicken |
    | Lorums Ipsem Dog Cat Chicken Fried Chicken |
    | Lorums Ipsem Dog Cat Chicken Fried Chicken |
    | Lorums Ipsem Dog Cat Chicken Fried Chicken |

    Overall evaluation: -5 to 5 ______________________ dropdown combobox
    | 5 \/|
    | 4 |
    | 3 |
    | 2 |

    Content _____________________________________________ this is the main rich text box
    | Lorums Ipsem Dog Cat Chicken Fried Chicken | the default WP editor box
    | Lorums Ipsem Dog Cat Chicken Fried Chicken |
    | Lorums Ipsem Dog Cat Chicken Fried Chicken |
    | Lorums Ipsem Dog Cat Chicken Fried Chicken |
    | Lorums Ipsem Dog Cat Chicken Fried Chicken |

    Can I do this with Posts? It just occured to me that maybe Pages can do it also? Except that I would need a custom page type so it doesn’t pollute the Pages display with tons of entries.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    If you don’t need posts for other purposes like a blog, it can be used for your custom content structure. Otherwise create a custom post type for the purpose.

    You can create any sort of editor UI you like through custom meta boxes. However, most devs I know use a custom fields plugin to create their editor UI. Such a plugin typically saves a good deal of time in meta box coding.

    Thread Starter veedot2


    I’m using a custom post type.

    How do you create a custom UI for a custom post? That was my question. Are there any code examples or plugins that I can search for? This is all new to me so I don’t know any of the proper nouns to even search for. I’ve been searching for days but not finding anything.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Custom meta boxes will let you do nearly anything:

    It’ll likely be easier to use an existing custom fields plugin:
    They essentially build custom meta boxes for you.

    Hey @veedot2, how did you get on with creating custom meta boxes for you posts? Did the previous answer from @bcworkz point you in the right direction? It would be great if you could share your direction/solution here with the rest of us.

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