• Hello there…
    I would like to know if its possible to add few php functions to lets say index.php, simple ones like

    <?php function eng_text(){
              echo "this is example text on eng

    and then using qtranslate language tags just call that text anyway i need inside index.
    Im asking for this because design on my page is tricky and i cat manage to do everything over posts and loops.

    I noticed that Qtranslate adds

    <html lang="en-US">   and maybe
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-US" />

    depending on chosen language of post or page (my asumption). So im wondering is there any way to make if loop using that (i dont have php expirience but sth like

    <? php if (lang=eng) {eng_text(); }
    elseif (lang=fr) {fr_text(); }

    and so on? you get the point (sorry for syntax errors).
    So basicaly i dont know how to filter that language in if loop. Any help is appriciated. Ty


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