• Resolved andyg2


    I was wondering if it would be possible to add custom field support in the shortcode.
    I’m doing this manually currently with the following modification by using the shortcode $content variable.

    [vdo][field key=field_587a44be392fa][/vdo]

    Edit of vdo_shortcode function

    			$content = trim(do_shortcode($content));
    				$video = $content;


    function vdo_shortcode( $atts, $content='' ) {
    	extract( shortcode_atts(
    					'title' => 'TITLE_OF_VIDEO',
    					'width' => get_option('vdo_default_width') . "px",
    					'height' => get_option('vdo_default_height') . "px",
    					'id'	=> 'id',
    					'no_annotate'=> false,
    					'version'=> 0,
    					), $atts )
    			$content = trim(do_shortcode($content));
    				$video = $content;
    				return "Required argument id for embedded video not found.";
    			$params = array(
    			$video = vdo_send("videos", $params);
    			$video = json_decode($video);
    			if($video == null)
    				return "404. Video not found.";
    			$video = $video[0]->id;
    			if ($video == null) {
    				return "No video with given title found.";
    		$video = $id;
    	$params = array(
    	$anno = false;
    	if (!function_exists("eval_date")) {
    		function eval_date($matches){
    			return current_time($matches[1]);
    	if (get_option('vdo_annotate_code') != "") {
    		$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    		$vdo_annotate_code = get_option('vdo_annotate_code');
    		$vdo_annotate_code = apply_filters('vdocipher_annotate_preprocess', $vdo_annotate_code);
    		if (is_user_logged_in()) {
    			$vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{name}', $current_user->display_name , $vdo_annotate_code);
    			$vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{email}', $current_user->user_email , $vdo_annotate_code);
    			$vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{username}', $current_user->user_login , $vdo_annotate_code);
    			$vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{id}', $current_user->ID , $vdo_annotate_code);
    		$vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{ip}', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] , $vdo_annotate_code);
    		$vdo_annotate_code = preg_replace_callback('/\{date\.([^\}]+)\}/', "eval_date" , $vdo_annotate_code);
    		$vdo_annotate_code = apply_filters('vdocipher_annotate_postprocess', $vdo_annotate_code);
    			$anno = array("annotate" => $vdo_annotate_code);
    	$OTP = vdo_send("otp", $params, $anno);
    	$OTP = json_decode($OTP);
    		$output = "<span id='vdo$OTP' style='background:#555555;color:#FFFFFF'><h4>Video not found</h4></span>";
    		return $output;
    	$OTP = $OTP->otp;
    	// $version = $atts['version'];  //handled by extract function
    	$output = "<div id='vdo$OTP' style='height:$height;width:$width;max-width:100%' ></div>";
    	$output .= "<script> (function(v,i,d,e,o){v[o]=v[o]||{}; v[o].add = v[o].add || function V(a){ (v[o].d=v[o].d||[]).push(a);};";
    	$output .= "if(!v[o].l) { v[o].l=1*new Date(); a=i.createElement(d), m=i.getElementsByTagName(d)[0]; a.async=1; a.src=e; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m);}";
    	$output .= " })(window,document,'script','//de122v0opjemw.cloudfront.net/vdo.js','vdo'); vdo.add({ ";
    	$output .= "o: '$OTP', ";
    	if ($version == 32) $output .= "version: '$version' ";
    	$output .= "}); </script>";
    	return $output;
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by andyg2.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by andyg2.
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  • Plugin Author Vibhav Sinha


    Hi Andyg2,

    Thanks for your suggestion. Can you tell me which plugins are you using to provide the field? We shall also look into other plugins to provide a similar programmatic method of providing video_id inside the [vdo] shortcode.

    We can look to implement this in our next version of plugin.

    Plugin Author Vibhav Sinha


    Hello Andyg2,

    We haven’t heard from you for a while. We are working on similar updates in the upcoming plugin versions. I am marking this as resolved. Please send an email to [email protected] and we shall notify you once this is out.

    I am marking this as resolved for now. Let us know if you have a particular plugin that you need to use with this use case or if there is any other issue.

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