• Resolved Brendavo



    First of all, you have a very nice plugin.

    I am right now building a custom template to my websites / business needs, but i am a bit of stuck with one issue.

    I use “woocommerce poor guys swiss knife plugin” to create custom fields on my checkout.
    I have 3 fields:

    1. Specifies Shipping Method ( radio buttons ) ( field ID=billing_piegadatajs )
    2. Select List of addresses for shipping 1 ( field ID=billing_pastastacija )
    3. Select List of adresses for shipping 2 ( field ID=billing_pakomati )

    Now, it is very important to show these 3 fields in the Invoice, because the shipping method and address comes ONLY from these values. Not from the billing_address in wp.

    How could i echo or show these 3 fields on the invoice ?

    P.s. i have successfully added phone number etc to the invoice, because that is a woocommerce field, tho i have a hard time figuring out how to add these custom fiels.


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  • Plugin Contributor Ewout


    Hello Brendavo,
    The following code (also mentioned in this thread) should retrieve your custom fields:

    $billing_piegadatajs = get_post_meta($wpo_wcpdf->export->order->id,'_billing_piegadatajs',true);
    if (isset($billing_piegadatajs)) {
    	echo $billing_piegadatajs;

    Note the leading underscore for the field name in the first line!
    The same code can be used for all three fields, just replace the field & variable names.

    Thread Starter Brendavo


    Hello Ewout.

    Thank you very much for your assistance. Your code helped me to get all 3 fields showing up on the invoice.

    May i ask how to show the product image in the invoice or slip?
    My website will also do wholesale, so i know from experience, that an p-slip or invoice without product images is a very big pain in the ***, if there are dozens of products on it and only names / sku’s.

    I would really appreciate it.

    With Regards

    Glad that you found a solution, Brendavo. I actually checked another plugin with nearly the same name. Thanks for clarifying this, Ewout. I will check your plugin this weekend.

    If you have product thumbnails attached (does not work necessarily for variations this way!) you can use something like this, Brendavo:

    if ( '' != get_the_post_thumbnail( $id ) ) {
    	$thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $id ), $size, false );
    	$thumburl = $thumb[0];;
    	echo '<img src="' . $thumburl . '" width="75" height="75"  />';

    For variations with no thumbnail this is a bit different as you have to retrieve the parent thumbnail… The width and height is optional. You can only set the width or you can also use styles attaching a class or the style attribute.

    Regards and good luck with your website.

    PS on the last post: $id means the product_id in this case which should be available via the cart items listed in the invoice (the cart item id).

    Forgot about the $size parameter… if you set it to an desired size like array(75,75) or a predefined thumbnail size identifier you will retrieve your image… Sorry for that. Normally you find the thumbnail predefinitions at the start of your theme’s function file.


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