Thanks @niravcse006 !
Yes, Block styles uses editor.BlockEdit filter. If you have any input about a better way to handle Block styles to make it compatible with your editor.BlockEdit instance, please let us know
(function ( wpI18n, wpHooks, wpBlocks, wpBlockEditor, wpComponents, wpCompose ) {
wpBlockEditor = wp.blockEditor || wp.editor;
const { addFilter } = wpHooks;
const { __ } = wpI18n;
const { hasBlockSupport } = wpBlocks;
const { InspectorControls } = wpBlockEditor;
const { SelectControl } = wpComponents;
const { createHigherOrderComponent } = wpCompose;
// Register custom styles to blocks attributes
addFilter( 'blocks.registerBlockType', 'advgb/registerCustomStyleClass', function ( settings ) {
if (SUPPORTED_BLOCKS.includes( )) {
settings.attributes = Object.assign( settings.attributes, {
customStyle: {
type: 'string'
identifyColor: {
type: 'string'
} );
return settings;
} );
// Add option to return to default style
if (typeof advgbBlocks.customStyles !== 'undefined' && advgbBlocks.customStyles) {
advgbBlocks.customStyles.unshift( {
id: 0,
label: __( 'Select a block style', 'advanced-gutenberg' ),
value: '',
identifyColor: ''
} );
// Add option to select custom styles for supported blocks
addFilter( 'editor.BlockEdit', 'advgb/customStyles', function ( BlockEdit ) {
return ( props ) => {
return ( [
<BlockEdit key="block-edit-custom-class-name" {...props} />,
props.isSelected && SUPPORTED_BLOCKS.includes( ) &&
<InspectorControls key="advgb-custom-controls">
<div className="advgb-custom-styles-wrapper">
label={ [
__( 'Block styles', 'advanced-gutenberg' ),
<span className={'components-panel__color-area'}
style={ {
background: props.attributes.identifyColor,
verticalAlign: 'text-bottom',
borderRadius: '50%',
border: 'none',
width: '16px',
height: '16px',
display: 'inline-block',
marginLeft: '10px',
} } />
] }
help={__( 'This option let you add custom style for the current block', 'advanced-gutenberg' )}
options={ ( cstyle, index ) => {
if (cstyle.title) advgbBlocks.customStyles[ index ].label = cstyle.title;
if ( advgbBlocks.customStyles[ index ].value =;
return cstyle;
} )}
onChange={( cstyle ) => {
const { identifyColor } = advgbBlocks.customStyles.filter( ( style ) => style.value === cstyle )[0];
props.setAttributes( {
customStyle: cstyle,
identifyColor: identifyColor,
backgroundColor: undefined,
textColor: undefined,
fontSize: undefined,
} );
] )
} );
// Apply custom styles on front-end
addFilter( 'blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps', 'advgb/loadFrontendCustomStyles', function ( extraProps, blockType, attributes ) {
if (hasBlockSupport( blockType, 'customStyle', true ) && attributes.customStyle) {
if (typeof extraProps.className === 'undefined') {
extraProps.className = attributes.customStyle;
} else {
extraProps.className += ' ' + attributes.customStyle;
extraProps.className = extraProps.className.trim();
return extraProps;
} );
const withStyleClasses = createHigherOrderComponent( ( BlockListBlock ) => {
return ( props ) => {
if ( ! SUPPORTED_BLOCKS.includes( ) || !hasBlockSupport(, 'customStyle', true ) ) {
return <BlockListBlock { ...props } />
const {
} = props.attributes;
return <BlockListBlock { ...props } className={
${ customStyle }
} />;
}, 'withStyleClasses' );
// Apply custom styles on back-end
wp.hooks.addFilter( 'editor.BlockListBlock', 'advgb/loadBackendCustomStyles', withStyleClasses );
})( wp.i18n, wp.hooks, wp.blocks, wp.blockEditor, wp.components, wp.compose );