• Resolved rj3labs


    This is my website in progress: https://www.rj3labs.com

    Right now, I’m having a hard time getting comments to work on the static wordpress pages (Write –> Write Page)

    The “Allow Comments” button IS checked under discussion.

    Look at the “Test” page for an example of what I’m talking about. It’s not a theme thing either, because I can switch to default and it still doesn’t work.

    Thanks for your help.


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  • frostfox


    Do you need to edit the theme page.php files or another. I can’t seem to get it to work with the Mandigo theme. Please help me figure this out.

    Worked for me in WP 2.3.3 That is, eLeKaeMe’s line of code just before:

    <?php comments_template(); ?>



    This is a bump – as I just googled how to do this, came up with this topic here – and it works beautifully!

    Thanks all!




    The eLeKaeMe solution worked so easily… no stress!

    Thank you

    First post –

    Thanks a million for this.

    I tried all the things listed above, but I am having issues displaying comments on my category pages (https://www.teamupmn.org/category/culture/). I am getting text that reads “Comments Off”.

    My current comment code reads:

    <?php if (('open' == $post-> comment_status)) { comments_template(); } ?>
    <?php comments_popup_link('Leave your opinion of this article. »', '1 Opinion »', '% Opinions »'); ?>

    I am using WordPress 2.5, don’t have any plugins installed that would mess with comments, and have checked the “Allow people to post comments on the article” box in the admin menu.

    Any ideas on what might be causing this??


    I have comments on one page (Feedback), but I can’t get comments to show up on any others, even when I switch back to default Kubrick theme.

    In the default theme, there is no feedback template, so then I get no comments.

    I have comments turned on in admin settings.
    I have comments turned on in individual pages.
    I have a <?php comments_template(); ?> tag between
    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>

    Page with comments:

    Page that should be set up for comments, but there are none:

    I’m running WordPress 2.5.1
    I’m bewildered. What am I missing?

    Also, I tried putting other pages on the feedback template, but still the Feedback page is the only one with comments.

    Very bewildering.

    I re-loaded a fresh comments.php and comments show up where asked for.

    I’m not sure how I corrupted my comments.php file.

    The comments above worked for me too. I am using wp v: 2.5.1 and the default theme: The default WordPress theme based on the famous Kubrick.

    In the theme’s pages.php I added one line just before <?php endwhile; endif; ?> as shown here:

    <?php if ((‘open’ == $post-> comment_status)) { comments_template(); } // add this for comments on static pages RDF 5/14/08?>

    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>

    Thanks again:

    Ron Fredericks

    i need to have different comment.php templates…

    for example the comments.php says “leave a reply” or something like that…

    for posts that is fine, bu i have testimonials page that needs to say…

    “give your Testimonial” or something like that>..

    i tried to create a second version of the comments.php, calling it comments-testimonials.php and including it in the testimonials page… but no comments show?

    any ideas?


    i ended up finding the wp-includes/comment-template.php and
    duplicating the comment_template function calling it comment_template2 and pointing it to mey new comment template comment-testimonials.php and that worked

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