• Hi,
    In my wordpress site, I have a page https://mydomain.com/re/
    I have added the below code in the functions.php to get the category metabox in page edit

    //Pages Tags & Category Meta boxes
    function add_pages_meta_boxes() {
    add_meta_box(   'tagsdiv-post_tag', __('Page Tags'), 'post_tags_meta_box', 'page', 'side', 'low');
    add_meta_box(   'categorydiv', __('Categories'), 'post_categories_meta_box', 'page', 'normal', 'core');
    add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'add_pages_meta_boxes');
    function attach_category_to_page() {

    I added the page in “Affiliates” category. now I want to change the page permalink as https://mydomain.com/affiliates/re/.
    But I can’t do that.
    Could you please help me to do that.


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