• Resolved momsheadquarters


    I am unable to add bullets or numbering to my main post of page text. I am thinking that this is because bullet and numbering information was not designated on the stylesheet. CAn someone please tell me where I need to add this information to the below stylesheet…..what the stelsheet needs to read…and how to get a small solid circle for the bullets as well as standard (1,2,3,4) numebring for the numbers.

    Thank you so much in advance. Here is the stylesheet info:

    [CSS moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please just post a link to your site.]

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  • Thread Starter momsheadquarters


    I know that was a very lengthy post…but seeing that I am new to this…I want to be as thorough as possible.

    Thank you once again for all your help.

    the reason is that the rest styles at the beginning set all paddings and margins to zero.

    try and add something like this to style.css of your theme:

    .entry ul, .entry ol { padding-left: 10px; margin-left:10px; font-size: 150%; }

    this should make the list style elements visible in the posts.

    out of organisational reasons, possibly somewhere after the line /* post elements */; however, the location does not really matter.

    if this is not what you want to achieve, please give more details and post a link directly to a page with the problem.

    Thread Starter momsheadquarters


    So it doesn’t matter WHERE I add this line? Now you say after the line /*post elements */…but this is for page body text as well, does this make a difference. Now i’m realy showing you what a newbie I am…but… Do I indent this line or add it right up next to the left margin. I’m thinking that indentation in the style.css is merely for organisational purposes.

    Thread Starter momsheadquarters


    Is there any way to post my whole stylesheet here so you can take a look and see what i’m looking at?

    Thread Starter momsheadquarters


    assuming that the link of your user name is your site, it is no problem to access the stylesheet(s), using some browser tools such as firebug in firefox.

    it really does not matter where you add the new styles;


    this is just one possible location:

    /* post elements */
    .entry ul, .entry ol {
    padding-left: 10px;
    font-size: 150%;
    #main {
    Thread Starter momsheadquarters


    oh my goodness! It worked. I actually just copied and pasted the text into the very top of the style sheet where I could easily find it in case I had to delete it. You are amazing! I can’t thank you enough. That link you gave me to w3schools.com looks pretty helpful too…i’ll have to go back there int he future.

    Thank you again.

    Thread Starter momsheadquarters


    Hey….not that I want to abuse you knowledge….but what do yout hink about this:


    Take a look at the right sidebar…why are all the children categories so small. How would I go about getting the text on these larger. I understand that the smaller size designates it as a child…but there has got to be a better way.

    Any suggestions???

    it is caused by this style (in style.css quite near to the end):

    #side ul li {
    	display: inline;
    	float: left;
    	padding: 0px;
    	color: #558CA1;
    	font-size: 0.7em;

    try and change:
    font-size: 0.7em;
    font-size: 0.9em;
    (this will increase the font of the top most item as well)

    font-size: 9px; margin-left:10px;

    with the fixed font-size, you could indent the list by adding the left margin (example only)


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