• Hello everybody. Hope you are well.

    I’m trying to personalize the Elegant News theme and have created a banner to replace the one provided.

    Replacement banner is here.

    And the WP-themed website is here.

    The banner I’m trying to replace is at the top, the one that says, “WordPress Web Hosting Only $5 a Month.”

    The Elegant News theme has its own settings dashboard, and there’s a section called, “Header Banner (468×60 px)” with a box for code and a caption that reads, “Header banner code. You may use any html code here, including your 468×60 px Adsense code.”

    The code in the box is: <img src=”https://newwpthemes.com/hosting/wpwh46.gif&#8221; />

    … and I replaced the img src part, so that it reads: <img src=”https://hardmonkey.com/banner_ads/ad_here_banner468x60.gif&#8221; />

    … same as the other, but with a different address. So, what gives? Why can’t I get it to work?

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  • Thread Starter KingCreole


    Sorry, the full code didn’t come out right. Here it is again:
    a href=”https://newwpthemes.com/hosting/wpwebhost.php”><img src=”https://newwpthemes.com/hosting/wpwh46.gif&#8221; />

    There’s a < at the beginning of that, but I don’t know how to post the code without turning it into a link.

    have you tried this button? ??


    if doesnt work, paset your code at https://pastebin.com/ and submit here only the link

    Thread Starter KingCreole


    You mean for posting here? Yea, I did. It came out as a link just the same. Thanks for the other suggestion. I’ll check it out next time I need to post code.

    Any chance someone could help me here with my original question?

    Thread Starter KingCreole



    Is the Hacks section the wrong place to ask this question?

    Thread Starter KingCreole


    Any chance someone can help me with this?

    I’m getting the impression that the WP forum kind of sucks. No offense intended to anyone, but I’m not getting help for a lot of my questions, and I’m noticing that a lot of posts don’t get answered.

    Should I switch to Blogger or something?


    yes, i agree with you that this forum sometimes sucks ?? also i many times have no answer for my questions

    but in your case problem is maybe because you didnt help for helpers ?? you putted some bad code, you didnt provide link to theme which you use.

    now, when you started to complain i spend few minutes to find this theme, check its code etc ??

    look at header.php file. replace line 89:
    <?php echo get_theme_option('ad_header'); ?>

    with your code (this with tags A and IMG)

    Thread Starter KingCreole


    Thanks, kkarpieszuk.

    Before trying this, I’ve got two concerns with your suggestion.

    1) Isn’t that changing something other than just showing the header? Not sure what the code means, but I suspect that it maybe affects how the dashboard interacts (?).

    And, 2) Not sure exactly how to phrase the code. “with your code (this with tags A and IMG)” is kind of confusing for me. (I’m still not very literate with the code.)

    About me not helping the helpers: I did try to put the code right, but the code button on this forum didn’t let me post the code for reading only. Maybe it’s my Firefox browser (?). I don’t know. But I did try to compensate and make it as clear as possible. Which, I think it was/is.

    About link to theme: True. I didn’t think about that. Here it is now.

    But this isn’t my only post that has been virtually ignored. I would think it’s some recurring mistake on my part, but when I look through the list of topics, it seems that the majority of them don’t get a response.

    I’m just surprised that the WP sponsored forum is so lackadaisical. Thought it would be THE place to go for help. No big deal. There are other forums, I suppose.

    Thanks for paying attention.

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