Here is the explanation for my bug: the GitHub process is too complex for a blind person like me, with too many fields.
1. When there are personally identifiable form controls like name, email, phone, etc., and more, according to WCAG 1.3.5 input purpose, it needs to have a custom auto-complete attribute added to it.
2. Currently, this is not possible in Jetpack forms.
3. These auto-complete attributes help persons with disabilities fill out forms much faster.
4. In Gravity Forms, when a field is added to a form, it provides a feature to add a custom auto-complete attribute to the field. This is not possible in jetpack forms.
6. Steps to test:
- Download the Chrome extension DigitalA11Y Tublets: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/digitala11y-tublets/ccjeccodophadokglbdcinabgkiiakjh?pli=1
- Toggle the button autocomplete. If the forms have auto-complete attributes, the bookmarklet will provide the auto-complete attributes for the form controls.
Sample code:
<input type="text" auto-complete="email">