Hey Andres.
If you created those listings on Amazon, and you deleted them, they may only be deleted from your seller account, they may still exist on Amazon’s catalog. If they do still exist on Amazon and the ASIN is still in tact, then you can follow my instructions from the previous email. If you want to simply match to the listing on Amazon, you don’t need a listing profile with a feed template assigned in WP-Lister. Only when listing new products to Amazon’s catalog that don’t already exist on Amazon require a listing profile with a category specific feed.
But if you/Amazon deleted some listings from your Amazon account and the actual product pages were removed from Amazon, then the ASIN is likely gone as well and cannot be used anymore to match to the listing.
Now, if you did want to be able to use a listing profile/feed template you could, but it must be either a listingloader feed template or an inventory loader feed template. Those are the 2 feed templates you can use for matched listings in WP-Lister. Most users only use them if they need to provide additional details like a different handling time instead of the default for example.
And in that case, simply follow my instructions in my previous email. After they are listed to Amazon, you can use the “Change Profile” bulk action option on the “Listings” page of WP-Lister, then click “Apply” and select your listing profile you wish to assign to the listings.
To summarize: if you want to use the existing ASINs and you want to match to them in bulk, you should follow my previous email, then you could follow the instructions in this email to assign a listing profile to those matched listings. But again, that is only necessary if you want to provide additional details.
I would recommend importing these listings from Amazon to WC/WP-Lister with WP-Lister’s import feature, but you said that your handmade account of yours was removed by Amazon, so I doubt you would be able to use an inventory report method to import those listings now because of that.
Kind regards,