• Hello guys! I need your help.

    I have a Responsive theme. And I would like to make something like this:


    For example, you press “Articles” on my main menu, then you see a page with 5-10 articles, date of adding, title, a bit of text like preview and a small image.

    Few questions:

    1. How can I do this?

    2. Where should I put (make) the page with the whole article? (after you press on preview article >> you are transferred to the main article)

    3. How can I make the pagination on that main “Articles” page with a list of 5-10 articles?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

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  • lisa


    are you asking about creating an archive page with a thumbnail image + post excerpt + a bit of meta data?

    i am assuming since you are asking the question in the forum that the archive or category template in your current theme does not already have this option built in.

    how comfortable do you feel with making changes to your template files if needed?
    do you have a child theme set up?
    do you have a recent backup of your website?
    do you have FTP access to your website

    i know of a plugin(not free) to create what you are asking about if you prefer not to do any coding

    Thread Starter gizbeta


    Dear contentiskey,

    At this moment I have such settings:


    I have shown with that blue arrow where I want that preview to be created.

    I’m not comfortable since I’m so called newbie in editing WP
    yes, i have a child theme set up – https://joxi.ru/52aQ0kxS4zpX20
    I’ve just started to create it. So now, I don’t have any backups
    yes, I have the FTP access

    I will really appreciate if you provide me with that plugin and give some advices.

    thank you!



    happy to hear you have FTP access and child theme set up
    consider an automated backup solution like vaultpress or backup buddy (both are plugins)

    if your theme does not have a template already set up to display as you desire and you don’t want to make code any changes…
    name of plugin is conductorplugin.com
    you should chat with he support team on conductorplugin.com to explain exactly the display you want before you make any purchase.

    I have used conductor plugin to display small image with content and the meta data (ie author, date, category name).

    Here is a quick overview of what I would do to create display like you describe: (not all steps)

    set a category to gather all of the posts I want to display together.
    with conductorplugin I can choose to show excerpt instead of full content.
    I can specific how many words to show in the excerpt and display a read more link.
    There are other options but I think those are the ones you are looking for. Set a category for the posts you want to display.

    no template changes are required.

    Thread Starter gizbeta


    Thanks! Will give it a try



    if you do decide to use conductorplugin, I can share an expanded list of steps that I have used when I set my plugin options up.

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