• Resolved eamonncoyne


    Hi again Dave,

    I have a question about adding another setting/feature to your very fine plugin that would allow a different set of markup to be added to the checkout form if the country is set as Republic of Ireland. Would it be hard to implement and/or something you might get to (or should I go investigating myself!)? All the triggers could go to the same place e.g. same row in the WooCommerce orders table etc. and could be sorted on CSV export.

    This would be the icing on the cake for us at Wells for Zo?.

    As an alternative to this – and in the meantime as we are not yet registered in the UK (but going in Ireland since 2005) – could your system be adapted to trigger on setting the country to the Republic of Ireland and just amend the settings in the products tab to cover that by adding appropriate text.

    Thanks again for being there,

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  • Anonymous User 13665966


    Morning @eammoncoyne,

    Does Rep. of Ireland have the same Gift Aid as the UK?

    If so, it shouldn’t be a big deal to add Rep. of Ireland into the logic for the plugin, and I can add that to the development roadmap for sure. I could probably add that over the next couple of weeks along with other features.

    If not, I could fork Gift Aid and launch a nearly identical, but differently named plugin just for the Rep. of Ireland market.

    Any more info would be useful!


    Thread Starter eamonncoyne



    Thanks for getting back on this.

    Ireland doesn’t have Gift Aid but it does have a similar tax-back system (which has changed a bit over the years but the link above should describe it well or via this link which has a path to the various forms). Unfortunately the Irish system requires further info from the donor but at least has been simplified post-2013 and the submitted details covers 4 years.

    I already trialled a change of the GB instances to IE in your plugin in the following files:


    and the markup indeed appeared when the WooCommerce checkout was changed to Republic of Ireland. So I know I could do it that way for the moment as we are not yet registered in the UK.

    But it would be great to have the option:

    if set to UK show settings 1, if set to IE show settings 2, if anywhere else show none.

    A fork for IE would work as well and be really fantastic, but it’s another plugin to add. If it was just a checkbox for IE to tell us to contact the person, and send a form for completion, signing and return (like with all the other IE charities I have found), this might be possible simply via the one plugin?

    Since I found your plugin I have been investigating all this, and a more advanced route, possibly best achieved via a fork, would be a system that added a checkbox to reveal markup to fill in another form field (PPS no.) with those details added to the order (and orderer’s) details. I think this might be ideal but might need a signature field (which I looked into last night and seems a little more involved!).

    Anyway, I would love to investigate this with you but maybe via e-mail?


    Anonymous User 13665966


    Hey @eamonncyone,

    Keen to work with you on this, as I’d like to ensure this plugin has the widest possible support, so yeah if you can ping me an email we can take it from there.

    I’ll close this now, marking as a feature request.



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