Hi @jesseslam
You can use a meta email tag to make that happen. Here’s our documentation on that: https://givewp.com/documentation/core/settings/emails/meta-email-tags/
The specific tag for anonymous donations is
When a donation is anonymous, that tag will output a 1. When it is not, it will output a 0.
You could code up a custom email tag that outputs something more specific, using this PHP snippet from our snippet library as a starting point.
That specific snippet is checking for data about our mailchimp add-on, but it gives you a good starting point for finding that anonymous donor data.
If you need assistance implementing custom PHP code on your website we have this guide:
Please note that this code snippet is provided as an example of how you can extend Give with code. It’s up to you to implement and customize to your liking. We cannot provide support for custom code on your website, only the code that we create and distribute.
Have a great day!