Adding an image by dragging?
Is it possible (or perhaps a feature request) to drag an image only the upload field, rather than clicking Browse? This would be a fantastic enhancement, if it can’t be done now…
Off the top of my head, it’s natively supported by the code this plugin uses ( and it largely depends on browser support.
I remember disabling it when I first wrote the plugin.
I think I did it to simplify and reduce testing/bugs.
I’ll have a look to see what happens when it’s enabled.
OK, it’s definitely do-able with a slight tweak but I’m not sure about the usability side of things. Will need to work out how to
disable the ‘drop zone’ so users know where to drop the file to (some sort of css style and visual affect would do) and how tohandle misdirected drops – if the users drop the file into another area, like the form, and the file is supported by the browser (e.g. an image) it’ll move away from the form and may loose all their data.So some investigation and testing required.
Check it out on the demo page if you want to see what i mean
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
That definitely seems to work. Do you have issues with errant drops? In Chrome, at least, it seems to work perfectly.
dropzone is working for me with FF 43 (yup, I’m stuck on an old version) and IE 11.
Any thoughts on styling when a user drags and hovers (but hasnt yet released to drop) the image over the upload?
It would be good to apply some styling, but it’ll have to be subtle and sympathetic pretty much any possible design people could be running. Something like a light grey block with a border, maybe words in the middle like ‘drop file here to upload’.
I would imagine the standard UP would be that box with a dotted border and an icon/upload button in the center.
Of course, I don’t think you can do a large drop area like these examples, since the uploader is only for one image, then you can press the PLUS icon to duplicate it. Though it’d be neat if you could use a drop area and then drag the thumbnails around within that box…
OK, I’ve had a go at applying some styling.
Ive ended up just applying a border – no background – when dropping a file. I’m deliberately going minimal to avoid clashing with other designs. People can apply their own CSS if they want.Give it a look again and let me know what you think. Good enough?
Applying the style on drag over wasnt as easy as I first thought … required checking if the browser can support it, a slight change to the HTML content (the list field needed to be wrapped in a DIV) and some javascript to apply a class on drag over (ie, not ‘hover’ as i first thought).
Also, if you’re interested in reordering uploaded files – have a look at this other plugin I setup that lets you reorder list columns and rows. I havent tested it with images (ie, can you click and drag from the image, or do you have to click outside of the image).
I think that looks terrific. And I agree, styling should probably be minimal.
I actually have already integrated with your sortable rows fields. The only issue I saw was that it doesn’t work with the Gravity Forms Custom Post field. So what I had to do was combine your two plugins, applied to a standard list field, and then add a function to the site like this:
//Save Repeating Images to Custom Field add_filter( 'gform_post_data_8', 'set_bulletin_images', 10, 3 ); //8 is my form number function set_bulletin_images( $post_data, $form, $entry ) { $list_field = GFFormsModel::get_field( $form, 14 ); //14 is the Ajax Upload list field $post_data['post_custom_fields']['wpcf-bulletin-images'] = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $list_field->get_value_export( $entry, '14' ) ) ); return $post_data; }
This works, and it’s not too hacky. Though it would be great if your plugin combo could be applied to a post field (custom field) for creating custom posts. Right now, something about that combination breaks the sorting feature.
I see you’ve got a popup that alerts people to a problem if they try to upload multiple files. Smart solution. I wonder if there’s a way to make the dropzone allow for multiple images to be dropped and treat that as a repeat in the backend.
Yea – I think that should be the ultimate goal.
Some sort of logic that says ‘if results “done” for current row – create new row’.
It’s also currently not working correctly when someone tries to drop a file on top of an already uploaded file.
At first I thought I could just remove the existing and replace – but then I thought it may not be the intended experience for all users. Ie, they might get upset when the file they just uploaded is replaced.
The ‘create new row’ fixes that for list fields, but not the single field.
And just a note for me to remember later – doing this would need to honour list row limits !Yes, it looks like, if you drag an image onto a field that’s already been filled, it uploads the second image into the same spot. But I imagine if you submit, it gets confused… Maybe the logic is to disable the drop area if there’s something already in it.
Ideally, yeah, if there were a single drop area regardless of whether it’s a single image field or a repeating one, then the backend could handle the duplication of fields.
OK – I’m going to push out an upload later today with the drag and drop support.
I haven’t got the time to work on the multi-file uploads but think it’ll be a cool feature and will keep this open as a reminder.
Let me know how you go with it.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
New issue: Now when I save the image url, it appears like this:
[{“Select an Image”:””}
Rather than simply the URL. I think this is new with the latest update.
hmm that’s odd.
What does ‘select an image’ mean to you? is it the column/field label or something you’ve applied to the field?
Exactly what do you mean by ‘save the image url’ do you mean, without submitting the form, if you right-click on an uploaded field that’s the name of the file?
That’s my label for the field. Suddenly, it’s saving that and pouring everything in quotes and brackets.
More Info. If I add an image, it used to save the path to the image, but now it saves content like this:
All in a single field.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
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