Thanks for your question, which is a variation on this earlier topic:
Batch Edit ALT tag with FILENAME
As that topic outlined, a Content Template in the Bulk Edit area is the best approach for your application. In your case, the Content Templates would be something like:
Description: template:(New phrase and [+post_content+])
ALT Text: template:([+alt_text+] and new phrase)
Where “new phrase” is the phrase you want to add. The [+post_content+]
and [+alt_text+]
substitution parameters will contain the current content of the fields. You can use any of the “Field-level data sources” described in the “Field-level Substitution Parameters” section of the Settings/Media library Assistant Documentation tab.
The thing to watch out for is running the template more than once on a given item; that would add the phrase multiple times. I assume this is a one-time project, so using the Bulk Edit area is the way to go. If you use the IPTC/EXIF mapping rules for the job, don’t forget to remove the template(s) when you’re finished.
I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions regarding the use of Content Templates in the Bulk Edit area. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.