• I want to add my own slider code to main page (index page). Where should I put my code,( I mean in which file of wptouch , and after which code I should put my code). Thank you

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by donik2501.
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  • Hi,

    In WPtouch (free) any changes done to the plugin or themes will be overwritten in an event of an update. WPtouch Pro allows you to make changes like this in a child theme, and those changes will survive updates.

    With that said, you can make the change in /wptouch/themes/bauhaus/default/header-bottom.php. You can add the code for your slider at the end of the file. It’ll appear after the header area, and before the content.

    You’re welcome.


    Emilio Rivera
    WPtouch Support

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