• I have a Feature image showing in each post, as well as the thumbnail in the category list.
    I’d like to add a secondary image that would show up as the thumbnail only in the category list.
    So I would be able to set 2 different images for each post, one for the thumbnail and one as the main for the single post.

    I thought I could make this work with “Multiple Post Thumbnail plugin”.
    By adding…
    if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) {
    new MultiPostThumbnails(array(
    ‘label’ => ‘Thumbnail Image – 135 x 125’,
    ‘id’ => ‘secondary-image’,
    ‘post_type’ => ‘post’
    ) );
    -> in functions.php

    and adding ….
    <?php if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) : MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), ‘secondary-image’); endif; ?>
    -> where I would like it to show up.

    I was able to assign a secondary image for each post in admin. But this secondary image doesn’t show in the widget output.

    Can you point me in the right direction as to where I can add the “MultiPostThumbnails” output code in your widget php files in order for it to simply just show up?

    Or if you have a better solution that would be much appreciated.


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