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  • Im with you Jon!

    You need to add the reference in the symbol-defs.svg file as well.

    <symbol id="social-houzz" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
    <path class="path1" d=" ... "></path>

    HOWEVER, I can’t figure out what the d="" information is for the houzz svg.

    I think that is all that is missing to get the icon to display.

    Thread Starter jonbond


    Hi Thinkmedia

    I’ve tried that, but also having issues with the d="". Did you have any luck?
    Any idea where I might be able to find that info? The SVG file currently goes blank when I add the reference?

    This is what I currently have as the reference:

    <svg width=”100%” height=”100%” viewBox=”0 0 32 32″ version=”1.1″ xmlns=”; xmlns:xlink=”; xml:space=”preserve” style=”fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.41421;”>
    <symbol id=”social-houzz” viewBox=”0 0 32 32″>
    <path d=”M24,21.714c0.953,0 1.762,0.333 2.429,1c0.667,0.667 1,1.476 1,2.429c0,0.953 -0.333,1.762 -1,2.429c-0.667,0.667 -1.476,1 -2.429,1c-0.953,0 -1.762,-0.333 -2.429,-1c-0.667,-0.667 -1,-1.476 -1,-2.429c0,-0.953 0.333,-1.762 1,-2.429c0.667,-0.667 1.476,-1 2.429,-1ZM26.196,12.571c0.333,-0.024 0.619,0.077 0.857,0.304c0.25,0.214 0.375,0.494 0.375,0.839l0,2.411c0,0.297 -0.098,0.553 -0.295,0.768c-0.197,0.215 -0.444,0.334 -0.741,0.357c-2.726,0.262 -5.056,1.36 -6.991,3.295c-1.935,1.935 -3.033,4.265 -3.295,6.991c-0.024,0.297 -0.143,0.544 -0.357,0.741c-0.214,0.197 -0.47,0.295 -0.768,0.295l-2.411,0c-0.345,0 -0.625,-0.125 -0.839,-0.375c-0.203,-0.203 -0.304,-0.459 -0.304,-0.768l0,-0.089c0.155,-1.905 0.634,-3.726 1.438,-5.464c0.804,-1.738 1.884,-3.28 3.241,-4.625c1.345,-1.357 2.887,-2.438 4.625,-3.241c1.738,-0.803 3.559,-1.283 5.464,-1.438l0.001,-0.001ZM26.232,3.429c0.321,-0.024 0.601,0.083 0.839,0.321c0.238,0.214 0.357,0.488 0.357,0.821l0,2.554c0,0.309 -0.104,0.574 -0.313,0.795c-0.209,0.221 -0.462,0.337 -0.759,0.348c-2.559,0.143 -4.991,0.744 -7.295,1.804c-2.304,1.06 -4.304,2.438 -6,4.134c-1.696,1.696 -3.074,3.696 -4.134,6c-1.06,2.304 -1.667,4.736 -1.821,7.295c-0.012,0.297 -0.128,0.55 -0.348,0.759c-0.22,0.209 -0.479,0.313 -0.777,0.313l-2.554,0c-0.333,0 -0.607,-0.119 -0.821,-0.357c-0.214,-0.214 -0.321,-0.476 -0.321,-0.786l0,-0.054c0.155,-3.119 0.869,-6.104 2.143,-8.955c1.274,-2.851 3.024,-5.383 5.25,-7.598c2.214,-2.226 4.747,-3.976 7.598,-5.25c2.851,-1.274 5.836,-1.988 8.955,-2.143l0.001,-0.001Z” />

    This should do the trick. Update your SVG file with the following.
    Also update both “viewBox” values if you are only copying and pasting the value after “path d”

    <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.41421;">
      <symbol id="social-houzz" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000">
    <path d="M500,663l282.8-163v326.5L500,990V663z M217.2,500v326.5L500,662.9L217.2,500z M500,10v326.5L217.2,500V173.5L500,10z M500,336.5l282.8-163v326.5L500,336.5z"/>

    Reference the plugin author’s repo here for more info:

    In your first post, also make sure to change:

    plugin_dir_url to get_stylesheet_directory_uri
    if you’re adding this code to your child theme and not to a site-specific plugin

    If you’re not using a child theme, then you might need to use:

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Jordon Rupp.
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