• I am starting to help my bother maintain his webpage. He has a products section that he sells product. https://www.culvertpipecovers.com/products/

    If you look under the header you will see two items. Somewhere in the text, Culvert Pipe landscape cover, price and add to cart button, he wants to add “Free Shipping”.

    I can get around a WP site, but when I open the products page, root, I can’t see anything to change. I think it is somewhere in the woo commerce plug in.

    Before I start messing around and break things for good, can anyone give me any advice on where to go, and how to add the Free Shipping text. The products are also shown on the home page, but I can’t seem to get into the product proper.

    Can you look at the site/code and identify where the products reside, and how I get to them without screwing anything up?

    Much appreciated!

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  • If you are using Woocommerce as your shopping cart, which you didn’t explicitly say, you would have to modify the cart.php template for Woocommerce. OUt of the box, Woocommerce has all of their template files in the plugin. Savvy programmers know how to move the Woocommerce templates into their theme so they can treat them like a child theme. Then you make your changes in cart.php

    If you want them on the product page, then you would modify the product page. Once you actually get to the Woocommerce templates, it is pretty clear what controls what.

    Here is a pretty straight forward article on how to accomplish this:

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