the best you can do is get Firefox and then the Firefox addon Firebug. You can then click anywhere in your site and see what piece of the css influences that piece of your site and you can even make changes but not save them, so it is safe to practice.
Then study i.e. Categories and study the css of it.
Try to implement that for Recent Comments.
The first thing you need is assigning a (css) class to your Recent Comments.
So place <div class="recent-comments">
just above
<?php if (function_exists('get_recent_comments')) { ?>
<h2><?php _e('Recent Comments:'); ?></h2>
<?php get_recent_comments(); ?>
<?php } ?>
and close with </div
so you end up with:
<div class="recent-comments">
<?php if (function_exists('get_recent_comments')) { ?>
<h2><?php _e('Recent Comments:'); ?></h2>
<?php get_recent_comments(); ?>
<?php } ?>
Now you need to model things for it in your style.css similar to the ones for Categories but with its own gif.
Categories has:
#content .col02 .categories {
background:transparent url(images/categories-back.gif) repeat-y scroll 0 0;
Sort of for recent-comments:
#content .col02 .recent-comments {
background:transparent url(images/recent-comments-back.gif) repeat-y scroll 0 0;
but this one ofcourse does not exist yet: images/recent-comments-back.gif so make one. 212 width and 56 high?