• Resolved BramVanroy


    I have edited this plugin in such a way that the “magic” tags more and next-page should work as you want. NOTE: I did this in version 2.1.6 of the plugin, not sure if it works on other versions as well, even though it should.

    The only file that needs to be edited is _output_gallery.php
    Add support for parameters (add on line 98)

    // More tag
    if( preg_match('/more=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) )      $retVal['more']      =$matches[1];
    // Next page tag
    if( preg_match('/next=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) )      $retVal['next']      =$matches[1];

    Add default values for the new parameters (add on line 131)

    'more'	=> 6, // Can be any number, preferably equal to or a multiple of 'cols'
    'next'	=> 42); // Can be any number, preferably a multiple of 'cols'

    Make sure the more tag is rendered only once, and the next-page every multiple of the given value:

    Add on 256 (before for each loop): $u = 0;
    Add on 259 (inside loop): $u++;
    Add on 279 (still inside loop, at the end):

    //Insert a more tag?
    if( $params['more'] > 0 && $i == $params['more'] ) $retVal['content'] .= "<!--more-->\n\n";
    //Insert a next page tag?
    if( $params['next'] > 0 && $u == $params['next'] ) {
        $retVal['content'] .= "<!--nextpage-->\n\n";
        $u = 0;

    Big thanks to G. M. on WordPress StackExchange for help with next-page tag and Chris Speck for the more-tag.

    The complete file can be found here but it won’t be there for long, so here it is:

    * This file handles the creation of a Facebook Gallery.
    * When a page containing the "magic tag" is saved, this function will:
    *   -Fetch the album from facebook
    *   -Fill in the album content between the tags, formatting it based on the parameters in the tag
    *   -Add postmeta "_fpf_album_size" with the number of items in the album (which the user can optionally reference)
    *   -Add postmeta "_fpf_album_cover" with the Facebook URL of the cover photo, if found
    * Re-saving the same page will re-fetch the album from facebook and regenerate its content again.
        add_action('wp_insert_post_data', 'fpf_run_main');
        function fpf_run_main($data)
            //Don't process REVISIONS (would result in 2 fetches per save)
            if ($data['post_type'] == 'revision') {
                return $data;
            //Check the content for our magic tag (and parse out everything we need if found)
            $parsed_content = fpf_find_tags($data['post_content']);
            if (!$parsed_content ) {
                return $data;
            //Connect to Facebook and generate the album content
            $album_content = fpf_fetch_album_content($parsed_content['aid'], $parsed_content);
            //Update the post we're about to save
            $data['post_content'] = $parsed_content['before'] .
            $parsed_content['startTag'] .
            $album_content['content'] .
            $parsed_content['endTag'] .
            //Set postmeta with the album's size and cover photo (can be optionally referenced by the user)
            //(Note: for some stupid reason, $data doesn't have the ID - we need to parse it out of the guid.)
            $post_ID = substr(strrchr($data['guid'], '='), 1);
            update_post_meta($post_ID, '_fpf_album_size', $album_content['count'] );
            if (isset($album_content['cover'])) {
                update_post_meta($post_ID, '_fpf_album_cover', $album_content['cover'] );
            } else {
                delete_post_meta($post_ID, '_fpf_album_cover');
            return $data;
        * Check a post's content for valid "magic tags".  If not found, return 0.  Otherwise, return:
        * $retVal['before']   //Content before the start tag
        * $retVal['after']    //Content after the end tag
        * $retVal['aid']      //The albumID parsed from the start tag
        * $retVal['startTag'] //The complete starttag
        * $retVal['endTag']   //The complete endTag
        * $retVal[....]       //Additional supported parameters found in the startTag.
        *                     //For a full list of what's available see fpf_fetch_album_content().
        function fpf_find_tags($post_content)
            //Start by splitting the content at startTag, and check for "none" or "too many" occurrences
            global $fpf_identifier;
            $result = preg_split("/(\<!--[ ]*".$fpf_identifier."[ ]*?([\d_-]+).*?--\>)/", $post_content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
            if (count($result) < 4 ) {
                //No tags found
                return 0;
            if(count($result) > 4 )            //Too many tags found
                echo "Sorry, this plugin currently supports only one Facebook gallery per page.<br />";
                return 0;
            $retVal = Array();
            $retVal['before']   = $result[0];
            $retVal['startTag'] = $result[1];
            $retVal['aid']      = $result[2];
            $retVal['after']    = $result[3];
            //Now search the remaining content and split it at the endTag, again checking for "none" or "too many"
            $result = preg_split("/(\<!--[ ]*\/".$fpf_identifier."[ ]*--\>)/", $retVal['after'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
            if (count($result) < 3 ) {
                echo "Missing gallery end-tag.<br />";
                return 0;
            if (count($result) > 3 ) {
                echo "Duplicate gallery end-tag found.<br />";
                return 0;
            $retVal['endTag'] = $result[1];
            $retVal['after']  = $result[2];
            //Check for optional params in the startTag:
            if (preg_match('/cols=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['cols']     = $matches[1];
            if (preg_match('/start=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['start']    = $matches[1];
            if (preg_match('/max=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['max']      = $matches[1];
            if (preg_match('/swapHead=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['swapHead'] = $matches[1]?true:false;
            if (preg_match('/hideHead=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['hideHead'] = $matches[1]?true:false;
            if (preg_match('/hideCaps=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['hideCaps'] = $matches[1]?true:false;
            if (preg_match('/noLB=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['noLB']     = $matches[1]?true:false;
            if (preg_match('/hideCred=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['hideCred'] = $matches[1]?true:false;
            if (preg_match('/rand=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['rand']     = $matches[1];
            if (preg_match('/orderby=(\w+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['orderby']  = $matches[1];
            // More tag
            if (preg_match('/more=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['more']      =$matches[1];
            // Next page tag
            if (preg_match('/next=(\d+)/', $retVal['startTag'], $matches) ) {
                $retVal['next']      =$matches[1];
            return apply_filters('fpf_parse_params', $retVal);
        * Given a Facebook AlbumID, fetch its content and return:
        * $retVal['content'] - The generated HTML content we'll use to display the album
        * $retVal['cover']   - The Facebook album's cover photo(if set)
        * $retVal['count']   - The number of SHOWN photos in the album
        * $params is a array of extra options, parsed from the startTag by fpf_find_tags().
        * For a list of supported options and their meanings see the $defaults array below.
        function fpf_fetch_album_content($aid, $params)
            //Combine optional parameters with default values
            global $fpf_homepage;
            $defaults = array('cols'    => 6,               //Number of columns of images (aka Number of images per row)
            'start'   => 0,               //The first photo index to show (aka skip some initially)
            'max'     => 99999999999,     //The max number of items to show
            'swapHead'=> false,           //Swap the order of the 2 lines in the album header?
            'hideHead'=> true,           //Hide the album header entirely?
            'hideCaps'=> true,           //Hide the per-photo captions on the main listing?
            'noLB'    => true,           //Suppress outputting the lightbox javascript?
            'hideCred'=> false,           //Omit the "Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher" footer (please don't :))
            'rand'    => false,           //Randomly select n photos from the album (or from photos between "start" and "max")
            'orderby' => 'normal',		//Can be "normal" or "reverse" (for now)
            'more'	=> 6,				// Can be any number, preferably equal to or a multiple of 'cols'
            'next'	=> 42);
            // Can be any number, preferably a multiple of 'cols'
            $params = array_merge($defaults, $params );
            $itemwidth = $params['cols'] > 0 ? floor(100/$params['cols']) : 100;
            $itemwidth -= (0.5/$params['cols']);
            //For stupid IE7, which rounds fractional percentages UP (shave off 0.5%, or the last item will wrap to the next row)
            $retVal = Array();
            //Get our saved access token (and make sure it exists)
            global $fpf_opt_access_token;
            $access_token = get_option($fpf_opt_access_token);
            if (!$access_token) {
                $retVal['content'] = 'This plugin does not have a valid Facebook access token.  Please use your admin panel to login with Facebook.';
                return $retVal;
            //Try to fetch the album object from Facebook, and check for common errors.
            $album = fpf_get("https://graph.facebook.com/$aid?access_token=$access_token&fields=id,cover_photo,count,link,name,from,created_time,description");
            if (!$album || isset($album->error)) {
                if (!$album) {
                    $retVal['content'] = "An unknown error occurred while trying to fetch the album (empty reply).";
                } else if ($album->error->code==190) {
                    $retVal['content'] = "Error 190: Invalid OAuth Access Token.  Try using the admin panel to re-validate your plugin.";
                } else if ($album->error->code==803) {
                    $retVal['content'] = "Error 803: Your album id doesn't appear to exist.";
                } else if ($album->error->code==100) {
                    $retVal['content'] = "Error 100: Your album id doesn't appear to be accessible.";
                return $retVal;
            if (!isset($album->id) || $album->id != $aid) {
                $retVal['content'] = "An unknown error occurred while trying to fetch the album (id mismatch).";
                return $retVal;
            if (!isset($album->cover_photo) || $album->id != $aid) {
                $retVal['content'] = "An error occurred while trying to fetch the album: the ID specified does not appear to be an album.";
                return $retVal;
            if ($album->count == 0) {
                $retVal['content'] = "An error occurred while trying to fetch the album: it appears to be empty.";
                return $retVal;
            //Now that we know the album is OK, try to fetch its photos and run some checks on them.
            $photos = fpf_get("https://graph.facebook.com/$aid/photos?access_token=$access_token&limit=999&fields=name,source,picture");
            if (!$photos || !isset($photos->data)) {
                $retVal['content'] = "An unknown error occurred while trying to fetch the photos (empty data).";
                return $retVal;
            if (count($photos->data) != $album->count) {
                $retVal['content'] = "<i>Warning: A size mismatch error occurred while trying to fetch the photos (the album reported $album->count entries, but only " . count($photos->data) . " were returned).</i><br />";
                //$retVal['content'] .= "Album:\n\nhttps://graph.facebook.com/$aid?access_token=$access_token&fields=id,cover_photo,count,link,name,from,created_time,description\n\n";
                //$retVal['content'] .= "Photos:\n\nhttps://graph.facebook.com/$aid/photos?access_token=$access_token&limit=999&fields=name,source,picture\n\n";
            $photos = $photos->data;
            //Run filters so we can modify the album and photo data
            $album = apply_filters('fpf_album_data', $album );
            $photos = apply_filters('fpf_photos_presort', $photos );
            //Store the filename of the album cover
            //We must do this here, prior to slicing down the array of photos.
            if (isset($album->cover_photo) ) {
                foreach($photos as $photo)
                    if (strcmp($photo->id, $album->cover_photo) == 0 ) {
                        $retVal['cover'] = $photo->source;
            //Reorder the photos if necessary
            if ($params['orderby'] == 'reverse' ) {
                $photos = array_reverse($photos);
            //Slice the photo array as necessary
            if (count($photos) > 0 ) {
                //Slice the photos between "start" and "max"
                if ($params['start'] > $album->count ) {
                    $retVal['content'] .= "<b>Error: Start index ". $params['start']." is greater than the total number of photos in this album; Defaulting to 0.</b><br /><br />";
                    $params['start'] = 0;
                if ($params['max'] > $album->count - $params['start'] ) {
                    $params['max'] = $album->count - $params['start'];
                $photos = array_slice($photos, $params['start'], $params['max']);
                //If "rand" is specified, randomize the order and slice again
                if ($params['rand'] ) {
                    $photos = array_slice($photos, 0, $params['rand']);
            //Run a filter so addons can modify/process the photos
            $photos = apply_filters('fpf_photos_postsort', $photos );
            //Create a header with some info about the album
            $retVal['count'] = count($photos);
            if (!$params['hideHead']) {
                $headerTitle  = 'From <a href="' . htmlspecialchars($album->link) . '">' . $album->name . '</a>';
                if (isset($album->from->id) && isset($album->created_time) ) {
                    $headerTitle .= ', posted by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=' . $album->from->id . '">' . $album->from->name . '</a>';
                    $headerTitle .= ' on ' . date('n/d/Y', strtotime($album->created_time));
                if ($retVal['count'] < $album->count) {
                    $headerTitle .= ' (Showing ' . $retVal['count'] . ' of ' . $album->count . " items)\n";
                } else {
                    $headerTitle .= ' (' . $retVal['count'] . " items)\n";
                $headerTitle .= '<br /><br />';
                if ($album->description ) {
                    $headerDesc = '"'.$album->description.'"<br /><br />'."\n";
                } else {
                    $headerDesc = "";
            //Output the album!  Starting with a (hidden) timestamp, then the header, then each photo.
            global $fpf_version;
            $retVal['content'] .= "<!-- ID ". $aid ." Last fetched on " . date('m/d/Y H:i:s') . " v$fpf_version-->\n";
            if ($params['swapHead'] ) {
                $retVal['content'] .= $headerTitle . $headerDesc;
            } else {
                $retVal['content'] .= $headerDesc . $headerTitle;
            $retVal['content'] .= "<div class='gallery'>\n";
            $u = 0;
            foreach($photos as $photo)
                //Output this photo (must get rid of [], or WP will try to run it as shortcode)
                $caption = preg_replace("/\[/", "(", $photo->name);
                $caption = preg_replace("/\]/", ")", $caption);
                $caption = preg_replace("/\r/", "", $caption);
                $caption_with_br = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />", $caption));
                $caption_no_br = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace("/\n/", " ", $caption));
                $link = '<a rel="shadowbox[' . $aid . ']" class="fbPhoto" href="'.$photo->source . '" title="'.$caption_with_br.' " ><img src="' . $photo->picture . '" alt="" /></a>';
                $retVal['content'] .= "<dl class='gallery-item' style=\"width:$itemwidth%\">";
                $retVal['content'] .= "<dt class='gallery-icon'>$link</dt>";
                if (!$params['hideCaps']) {
                    $retVal['content'] .= "<dd class='gallery-caption'>";
                    $retVal['content'] .= mb_substr($caption_no_br,0, 85) . (strlen($caption_no_br)>85?"...":"");
                    $retVal['content'] .= "</dd>";
                $retVal['content'] .= "</dl>\n";
                //Move on to the next row?
                if ($params['cols'] > 0 && ++$i % $params['cols'] == 0 ) {
                    $retVal['content'] .= "<br style=\"clear: both\" />\n\n";
                //Insert a more tag?
                if ($params['more'] > 0 && $i == $params['more'] ) {
                    $retVal['content'] .= "<!--more-->\n\n";
                //Insert a next page tag?
                if ($params['next'] > 0 && $u == $params['next'] ) {
                    $retVal['content'] .= "<!--nextpage-->\n\n";
                    $u = 0;
            if ($i%$params['cols'] != 0 ) {
                $retVal['content'] .= "<br style=\"clear: both\" />\n\n";
            $retVal['content'] .= "</div>\n";
            if (!$params['hideCred'] ) {
                $retVal['content'] .= "<span class=\"fpfcredit\">Generated by <i>Facebook Photo Fetcher 2</i></span>\n";
            //Activate the lightbox when the user clicks a photo (only if the Lightbox plugin isn't already there)
            if (!$params['noLB'] && !function_exists('lightbox_2_options_page') ) {
                $retVal['content'] .= '<script type="text/javascript">//<!--
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                    "transitionIn"	: "elastic",
                    "transitionOut"	: "elastic",
                    "titlePosition" : "inside",
                    "titleFormat"	: function(title, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts)
                        return "<span id=\'fancybox-title-over\' style=\'background-image:none;
                        \'>" + (title.length ? title : "") + "</span>";
        $retVal['content'] .= "<!-- End Album ". $aid ." -->\n";
        return $retVal;


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  • Plugin Author justin_k


    Cool! Thanks for the tip. I’m not really actively adding features to this particular plugin at this time, but have noted it in case I do come back to development – and in the interim, I’m sure some folks would find this quite handy ??

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