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  • Do you still have this problem with all plugins disabled and using the twentyfourteen theme?

    Well, the fastest way to see if the problem is with your code is to simply take it out and try to add a featured image, I’m not sure if that code is the only thing you’ve added, but the first step is to isolate the problem. Also, you have an open comment ‘/*’ at the start of your pasted code, is that intended?

    Thread Starter Tamara


    ok so I took howtomakeWP‘s advice and removed all of my code pertaining to “Thumbnails” and “Featured Images” . . .

    And of course, then I couldn’t do anything with the thumbnail / featured image. So I added back in the following code:

    	 * Enable support for Post Thumbnails
    	// Make sure featured images are enabled
    	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
    	set_post_thumbnail_size( 150, 150, true ); // W x H, hard crop
    // END Post Thumbnails Featured Images section

    And – voila! I was able to add back in my featured images / thumbnails, without the media library stalling. (So clearly my code was bad!)

    But — now what from my original code block was wrong / what did I do wrong? What can I add back to get the following?

    A featured image 250×250 hard crop called featured-250
    An image that is 570px wide (I don’t care how high), hard crop, called 570-lg-full-width

    The rest we can just ignore.

    Thanks again!!

    – Tamara

    Thread Starter Tamara


    ok – so it looks like I figured it out . . . I looked at the codex for help on this one (one of the links I posted before), and this is what I came up with:

    	/** Enable support for Post Thumbnails **/
    	// Make sure featured images are enabled
    	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
    	set_post_thumbnail_size( 150, 150, true ); // W x H, hard crop
    	// Add featured image sizes
    	add_image_size( 'featured-250', 250, 250, true ); // 250W x 250H, hard crop
    	// Add other useful image sizes
    	add_image_size( '570-lg-full-width', 570 );  // 570W x unlimitedH
    	add_image_size( '380-sq', 380, 380, true );  // 250W x 250H, hard crop
    	// Make your custom image sizes selectable from your WP admin
    	// Register the image sizes for use in the media modal WP admin area
    	add_filter( 'image_size_names_choose', 'my_custom_sizes' );
    	function my_custom_sizes( $sizes ) {
    	    return array_merge( $sizes, array(
    	        'featured-250' => __( '250 Featured Sq' ),
    	        '380-sq' => __( '380 Sq' ),
    	        '570-lg-full-width' => __( '570 Full Width' ),
    	    ) );
    // END Post Thumbnails Featured Images section

    In the section on “Make your custom image sizes selectable from your WP admin” — what I found was that in my 1st version, I had some conflicting variables:

    add_filter( 'image_size_names_choose', 'creativeandcurly_custom_sizes' );
    	function wpshout_custom_sizes( $sizes ) {

    If you notice, it says “creativeandcurly_custom_sizes” first and then on the next line it says “wpshout_custom_sizes” … that probably caused one problem. So when I copied my code this time, I copied it from the codex and used “my_custom_sizes” … the code also seems to be a tad bit different. In any case, no more stalling image library, and I have all of the image sizes available when I want to place an image into a post! ??

    Thanks both of you for your initial help — I am really most appreciative!!!

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